Page 18 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 18
Customs as tissues of colt- n, cotton tulles, other Ti.c following Hit in compiled from information
tissues of cotton (plushes, etc.) and tissues of conscientiously supplied by the lending merchants;
cotton and wool mixed it is not, however, exhaustive and the classification
may not be uniformly correct. It will serve,
however, for purposes of comparison. The largo
From From all total (chiefly composed of Shirtings and Mules),
Year. United India. Countries. in comparison with the figures for 1913-1 4 and
11*14-15, cannot however be reconciled with the
respective tonnage figures given by the Customs.
Tons. Tons. Tens.
List of pieces of each class of piece-goods
1C-OS09 . 1,7:4 493 2.253 imported into Boshire in :—
1909*10 . l.GS) 851 1,835
1910*11 . 1,309 497 l,SCO JLrtlcU. 1910-ilJ ’.511*12. 1513-13. 1913*1«. 101M5. 1015-1*.
3911*12 . 1,574 613 2,526
White and G ttj
1312*13 . 2,470 551 3,035 Goods—
Modems (13 jarda). 17^W 25,235 4JX» 25,073 lC^CO
1913*14 . 1,264 579 U52
S-xiciaa iCOjard*). 7^-50 6,625 14,814 1.426 1.305
191445 . 1.001 615 1.633 Whit* and Grey x,:z> 43,242 33,663 45.326 12,063 i3tx&»
1915*16 . 4« 1.353 1,709 17XS4 121.487
Wli;e Ma'Ia . 30,::*» 56^77 76,526 59.115
Wiit* Xales-xks . 20,: u 40^12 64,053 10,467 •-'0,702 23J63
It will be noticed tta: uh»»reas the total Cambrics, Drills, u;a 12,213 25,771 17.C3 0.0 J 3 0.063
import was normal in comparison with the two soJ Lcooi.
preceding years the proponic-cs from the United Whit a Ginr* . 15,407 15,783 5,178 13.S91 5,250 10.025
Kingdom and from India were almost exactly S^ra-r Hatdker* 1,160
reversed. The reason was that so few steamers chiefs.
came direct from England to the Gulf that the Co]'-.Tired G:ods—
greater part of the piece-goods landed at Bushire Print*. last red, 112^55 157,052 123.003 &vC3 54,031 C5.813
whether of Indian or Manchester origin, were a»teri. tLtcharge,
shipped to Bushire from Bombay, and were tnere- 2>=babr* (prints) ax3» 35,400
fore classified by the Customs as “from IP.96I 18,481 83.868 22,021
India.” STock wd whit* 3.(57 5X7* 29,570 23X01 2,442 8(0
The values of the imports of the same classes Eoik TwiUj . 13X23 10,363 29.045 10.422 13,729 13X24
of piece-goods were
Cod and Purpla 11X73 • 62,430 64,184 16^25 31,140 18X38
E*d and Parpls 5X50 25,8k) 14X34 1.57* 5X57 7X07
Lramchestcr XI alia.
ToUL From Tn^ia-
goods. Black Malls . 9,829 7,558 9,619 8.468
K»c k and Djed 4X«2 4,598 7,111 11.030 8.12* IV*
£ £ £ Crimp* . 13X31 21.459 25,045 16X* 14,223 19X81
1908-09 . 385,952 293,001 72,603 Moaliaa, Letoe, etc.. 23X53 25,516 456 14,000 1JB*
Slack and Grey 687 CM 8P7 1X24 »x*»
1909*10 . 256,723 154,583 11LS12 Imik, esc.
Sxima and Alpacas 4X« IIX* 7,083 *x® 1,162 11X3*
1910*11 . 279.7ST 220,951 61,2S6
MB 2,617 131 743 1X34
1S11-12 . 423*72 331.658 90,192 4X28 4^1 1,084 260
Xiacoi auou . 10X90 36,076 64X3* 73X» 40.471
1912*12 . 525,806 431.658 81,882 17.052
Cfcocolat* Print* 16X41
1913*14 . 327,270 232,6*0 87.501 Ptrpk Prist* . 3X=*
1914-16 . 267.170 171,524 91JC6 Black Cm . 10,669 29.027
1916*16 . • 282,979 69,087 212,672 434,129 009X01
413X03 M9.833 7*4X1* 483.401