Page 220 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 220

               7nbfe No. 3 « A’*—Imports Into the Port of Bushire from Different Countries during the
                        • 1919-20 nod 1920-31, classified according to Persian Customs—conld.
                                                              Vaioe.          WllOHT.
                     Article*.           Conntrira.
                                                         1919-20.  1920-21.  1910-20.  1920-2L
                                           ✓                 £        £    Tout.    Tone
 I             CoLfectiocrrj .  India .   .                 OSS      SOS       2       t
 j                              United Kingdom              370      90S      3        5
  '                             Japan _ .                            109               1
                                Other connlriee             117      16
                                                 Total      770 |   1,531     6 I      I
               Mr.t, preaerod  r  France  .   .   •   •  .•   6      45
                                India   .   .   ,           331      72
                                United Kingdom              359      77
                                United State* of America .           30
                                                Total       €9G |    230

               Machinery'       India .   .   .                     1,322
                                United Kingdom                       4:s
                                United State* ct America             877
                                MesoprtamLi .                        782
                                Other conntrics .                    19
                                                Total           |   - 3,128
               Goo, Rerohert, ete.  India .                  08      122
                                United Kingdom                       222

                                                Total        G8      SH
               Out* oil         India                       335      93
                                United Kingdom              188      59
                                France                       27      29
                  S-                             Total      550     181

               &;k» not aptdfied  China                             146
                                India                      2,718   2,105
                                Urn ted Kingdom             252      92
                                Eonghoof                            469
                                Other Coontrim              718      90
                                Huacat                      470
                                                 Total     4.153   2^02

               Cottx tnllea .   Indio                                67       1
                                United Kingdom .                    146       1
                                Other Coontrlee .                    87

                                                Total      4,414    250       2

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