Page 221 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 221
b!e No. 3 ‘* A ’’—Imports Into the Port of Bushlre from Different Countries during the yttrf
1 & 1919-30 and 1920-31, classified according to Persian Customs—conid.
Alii*k+ Countrim.
1919-20. 1920-21, 1919-20. 1920-2L
£ £ Tods, Tom.
rjjj and India 2,37S C9
Bahnin . 60
Total 2,37S 119
irTarticbao* merchandise United Kingdom 1 205
, tot ipeciSod in eoatyma France . , 701
3 tariff. Otter Countries J 36
Total 912
rciow glass . United Kingdom 485 1,515 S 4
Belgians . 2S8 S
Other Countries 37
Indio . . 588 7
Japoa . , 393 S
Total 1,466 1,970 IS 7
?:&cr sheets . United States of America . 40
Total . . WO
itlaies . India • • • . 78
United Kingdom . . 18 S
United States of America . •fS
4 •••
Total 96 6
India • •• 993
United Kingdom * 6 M. 68
Total 999 U
a&dmoia*** ,
61 18 IS
r«efortaiWa«,tte. . United Kingdom U
India 7 , 9 6
Japan - *«,
United *tates ef America . 6
Other Countries . . •••
Total ltfi* 23