Page 225 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 225

           fable No. 3mB.m—Exports from the Port ol Bushlrc to Different Countries during the year*
                    i9*9*ao and 192001, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                        ViXOB.           WnoHT.
               Article*.           Conn trie*.
                                                    1919-20-  1920-Zi.  1319-20.  1920-ZL.
                                                     < £       £      Tobi.   Ton*.
           7iafe, Freah, Dfj, etc.  Gulf Port*        2#7               67
                           Bahrein •                          3,398             137
                           Kuwait •                            741               20
                           Mcjopotamla                         99*               38
                           Other countrio*                     181                2
                                           Total      2*27    5,31*   . 67      194
           Tf|»UWe*        Golf Porta                  132     131       9        6
           TtjrUble Oil* •   Mewpotamir, .              77               1
           Z73IJ •         Gulf Port* •                17*     133       1       1
           L*f Sugar       Mesopotamia    :                             80
                           Kuwait .                   1 fAK             11
                           Bahrein .   f                6
                                           Total      6,736             92

           y'l ted Crystal 8ugar  Mesopotamia        13,2X3             299
                          Oman .                        3
                           Kuwait .                   \fSfl             48
                           Bahrein .                  4,6.0             112
                                           Total     1933               459 j
           jrwU .                                      <8       45
              iter         India .   •                 S3                      Hi
                          Other eountrie* .           1,714     89               l
                                           Total      1.746 |   89      26       1
                          Bahrein .                   1,294    116      18       4
                          Mesopotamia                  3a      411       7       9
                          Kuwait .                     132      49       8       1
                          Oman .                        12     S91               2
                           India                               576               *
                                           Total      1,86$   1*741     28 j     20
              not Specified .  Bahrein   ,   .                          17       22
                           India                                        47       62
                          Kuwait    .                                    S       4
                          Mesopotamia ,                                 IS       19
                          Muscat   >   .                                         10
                          Oman   .   ,                 87                1       2
                          United Kingdom                                         8
                          Other eonutriei .            as
                                           Total      7,014   6^97      80      182
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