Page 229 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 229

          fible No, 3 «*B"—Exports from the Port of Bushire to Different Countries during th« year*
                   1919.20 and 1930-21, classified according to Persian Customs—citicld.

                                                       Vxic*.           Weight.
              Articlp*.           CvanftrioE.
                                                 i 1919-201  1520-21-  1919-20.  1920-21.

                                                      2       l       Toni     Tom
             0& Mercluundi* not                                81
         CJL‘J»3uat *    Eihrcta .                            152                1
                         Iwlii                                 32
                                          Total               181                1
            shswlf .                                           78
               •         India                                140               a
                         lfuopctasia •
         3o»«i -                                               70                a
                         Bahrein .   .                         3
                                          ToUl                • 73              S

            tad ifoliuoi .                                     8
         uu£a |.   •   •                                       42
         £:-'i-trrta                                           35
   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234