Page 226 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 226
Table No. j "B."—Export* from Ih4 Port ol Boshlro to Different Countrlo* <Jarta£ the j<4
191900 and 190001, classified according to Persian Custom*—contd.
Value. Wkiobt.
ArtfcW Coentrla.
1919-30. 19:0-11. 1919-20.* 1920-n.
: £ £ Torn. T(^
8pice* • ' 9 0 India . , ut I
Othsr countries . 623 39 8
Totd 623 m 8
CirpcU of Wool United State* 0! Amarir* 16377 6,748 19 1
India . « 61,811 59.712 25 t
Mesopotamia . . 6.625 11.526 6 3
United Kingdom , 16.7M 53,003 26 «
EK7pt 5309 4.196 6 1
Othor countries . . 13il 5.600 4 I
Total 138,109 111,030 145 n
Titiaea of Wool Oman . . 11 60
McaopoUat* 21G
Other countries < 164 50
Total 195 334
Mercery and Haberdashery. 230 155 2 2
Opium % • . Singapore 97,327 79,532 17 2
United Kingdom 559 4 1
Hongkong 166,938 363,135 34 SJ
India 18.450 1251S 4 2
Japan 42,887 27,310 8 11
China 1U79 13,516 3 2
*gJPt 2,315 1
Total 337,310 493,405 67 | 13
Bkiua, fear, Dried and India * . v • 20,376 15306 208 r,
SalLd. United Kingdom • % 372 7,451 S 1
United State* of Amman % W90 48 2
Othor co a a tries « * >9 xn
Total 23900 25,668 259 |
-garthtEwum « Bahrein . . 195 l!
Other countries • 268 531 9 2
Henopotamm . P m t
Total 600 728 11
VogeUUa and 8cl«tsn*cs , Wh . . 18 *4
Other countries . % % * t 171 I
Told a 209