Page 227 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 227
f4ble No. 3 Exports from the Port of BusMfo to Different Countries during the year*
1919-20 end 1920-21, classified according to Persian Customs—conM,
Talus. Who nr.
Articles. Coontrie*.
1919-20. 1920-21. 1919-20. 1920-21.
£ t Toot. Toot.
;x*ttOi Cnu*noftctart»d . India m . 31/06 45/49 SI 462
Meiopotamla . , 4,659 4,732 41 56
0«Q«t 1,135 4<32 12 S
KpyjA • 5/26 8,388 42 42
United State* of America 1,331 815 12 12
Kuwait . . 722 7
Other countries • , 3 .030 573 31 6
. Total 40,536 56,071 1G9 COO
"liti, Dju and VarnLhci Ilah rein • 1.531 2,381 55* 105
Oman 146 5
India 130 2
Mesopotamia 312 873 10 33
Kuwait 1C1 4
Othor countries : 397 15 8
Total 2j2K> 3,711 73 110
'£vnl producte 4,523 8 7
Caces Dot specified . 19 82
| '
T&clts ted Accessories India 92 <•••
-it* sad Embroidery 57
L irritare C2 168
L 62 16
etlingi nc* specified Mesopotamia • 168
India • 75 13
Othor countries . 77 46
Total 153 227
^ , Bahrein 20^
*nd rerdago , 36 6 1
•.VTTtpbieal and Litho- India • • 316 86 1
P*?^ic*l pod acta. Other countries . 163
Total- 318 248 1
Uh»*l pcodaria not India U66 1/01 t 4
Francs 9 « 503 t
United Kingdom 406 1
Tstal 1/63 2,400 % 7