Page 235 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 235
trade report for tiie Persian fiscal year cor-
MARCH 1922.
Conditions Affecting the Trade of Bushire-
Administration. obtained for plant though some are urgently
required, and it is doubtful whether under present
(a) JJritiih.—During the year nndcr review arrangements the C-mpany will la6t much longer.
Vr. Clegg wa* British Vice-Consul from the After having had electric light and fans for 2
i aimenctmenl of the year op to the Sift Decern- years, its lo-.-s will be felt, CTen though the plant
Ur 19”1 and in charge of British Commercial has not been running by any means continuously.
i:;eresls in Bushire. After his departure the The local Manager of the firm of Ziegler and
v:rk was earned on by the Consul and Secre- Co., who had very kindly agreed tc help the
(jjy to the Consul-General assisted by the Asris- Company in an honorary caj>acity found that
Usl Secretary until the close of the year. owinc- to the unbusinesslike methods of the Com
Tertian.—TLe Governor of the Persian pany, it was impossible to make it a real success,
G:!f ports during the year under review was and so resigned at the end of the year.
D. iL Masood-ul-Sultan up to 3rd October 1921 Tho Bushire Charitable Hospital is now
ifier which H. E. Mosbarcd Douleh was appoint nearing completion in spite of many delays and
ee Governor and remained in office till the close ii is Loped to open it during the ensuing year.
d the year. It will be a very great improvement on the
TLe poH of Kajguzar (Persian Foreign office present building where the Residency Surgeon
Eiprescntative) was held by Yamin-ul-Marsalik carries on bis work under most adverse condition*.
throughout the year. The .Residency Surgeon and his staff do practi
cally the whole of the Medical work of the town.
Public Bodies and Concerns. The new Customs buildings mentioned in last
years report were completed at the close of the
The Municipality at Bnshire carried on as year but not formerly opened, until shortly after
Ufore and very little was done for the improve- the year closed. The work shows great credit
n>int of the town to which the came remarks to the Provincial Director of Customs, Monsieur
*;riy as for last yeax. An effort was made to Delcorde, to whose energy and persevere nee the
rt:air the most important road leading out of the buildings were, when work was recommenced
leva towards Bushire, but lack of money prevent- on them, completed so quickly. Owing to the
permanent metalling being done and new buildings being further np the creek,
3 * very doubtful whether the soft stone and and slightly further from the main bazaar, a
cal put down will last the winter. As the certain section of the merchants have been trving
tcalor of Motor cars in Bushire is steadily in- tc get up an agitation to return to the old building*
'-nasing, the question of proper roads becomes especially those whose office* were close by the
*rtr more important, but unless the Persian latter. As the new buildings cost several lakhs to
Goremment is prepared to order a considerable build and are on Government land, and the owner
being spent, it L» doubtful whether anything of the old Customs was demandings rent of T*.
be done even though a monthly tax of T*. 700 (£122-16) per mensem, and there was every
1'ilout £ 0-18), is levied on every' Motor car prospect of his increasing this, the agitation a
*hi?h is supposed to be used solely for the op- not likely to succeed.
of this road.
The Electric Light Company which was resns- Medical.
c-«led last year nus been working during the
but owing to lack of fund* and proper Public Health and Sanitation.—Although
finances are in a very precarious there is a Municipality in Boshire, there is no
l *1 the income barely covers the expen- organisation of any kind to deal with matter*
In consequence no new part* have been appertaining to Public Health, which is left ta