Page 240 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 240
Table No. i " A H—Comparative statement of Imports into Bush Ire from all countries
tfic years 1919-30, 1920-31,1931-33.
. I
Increase in Decrease iiu’ Att-boximat,
192!-22 1921-22 VKLCEXTaqK'
Countries 1919-20. 102021. 1921-21 compared compered
with with
2920-21. 1020-21. 1920-21. 1921.a.
£ £ , I £ £ ! % %
India • 1,281,811 i,077.23d 770,634 300,392 ' «3 "4 003
United Kingdom 719,012 C92.63G 3G2.595 330,241 23-12 2371
Dutch Indict 21,903
China 143, 652 40,733 37,264 3,489 1-65 *44
Oman 11,717 5,612 2^32 3,410 0-23 015
Mesopotamia . , 61,205 28,626 10,422 18,203 1-18 W3
United States of America 33,093 35.177 6,582 28,195 1*44 0-15
Switzerland 9.317 2,526 2320 306 012 016
Bahrein 10,720 10,153 6-53 3,105 0 42 945
Italy 14.92*3 43,195 32,413 10,777 1-75 213
Japan 76.4S7 26,703 19,559 7,149 1*03 ia
Egypt 137,0a>3 65,990 31,786 31,204 2-63 209
France 22,048 23*10 44,127 21,117 • •• 0-35 til
Kuwait 6,155 P.S39 W63 7,673 Cr34 <K*8
Belgium • 45.426 4ai31 8,294 1-ffl tu
Sweden • 8.623 16,399 76 16,324 as:
0 ‘her countries 6.3J8 12,648 16^10 3,462 ass
Indo Chinn 12.413 8,277 8,277 031
Muscat 13,657 8Si 2*93 1.401 004
Hongkong 131,575 139,286 139,285 5-05
Java 174205 113,236 60,909 7-07
Germany 9 3,520 17,398 13,978 012 ID
Zanzibi-r • 866 865
Spnin* 802 802
Turkey 139 139
Austria 1,526 1.626 •••
Total 8,723,357 2,462.797 1,526,594 42,691 978,794 108
Decrease is 1921-22