Page 236 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 236

               loolc after itnelf. The town is crowded, badly  disease is concerned tbe population of Buahireli*.
               built, devoid of roads other than gaps between  under “survival of th«e-5t" natural laws with lt.1
               the houses, there is no water supply, other than  mortality, morbidity, and human suffering tlat
               the tanks in the bouses, and arrangements for  such conditions, of necessity, entail.
               conservancy arc complimented when described
               by the ad jo. live primitive. Refuse, excreta, human   Communications and roads.
               and animal, arc deposited or thrown indiscrimi­  Practically the whole of the trade from Bushin
               nately into tec mud lanes that separate the lioness  for the interior goes rp to Shiraz hv the BusLi-^
               from each other and are peneroudy distributed over  Shiraz road. Since the Bushirc-Barasjun Ligij
               the town by the traffic that passes through these  Railway was dismantled in March 1921 all good,
               lanes. Many of the Louses have their drains  go up by caravan, though the road up to 1 aluJ
               opening on to the lanes ; in others pin* in the  some 55 miles from Bu«hirc is passable for wheels
               houses are used for this purpose and the put:i-  traffic and Motor cars during the dry season
               fying contents of these pits, often the accumula­ Between the months of November and April,
               ted filth of y cure, drain into such wells as exist  which is the rainy season here, this read is hov-
               and send their stench to the air of tbe houses  ever impassable except for the pack tran^p-.r:
               and of the town.                     mules, camels, etc., owing to the deep mud acd
                No records of births and deaths appear to be   slush on tbe low ground known as the Mashilcl
               kept and the most elementary rudiments of   between l»nsbire “ Island" and the mainland
               ran Ration are conspicuously absent.  With very little expenditure this road could b»
                                                    made p assable for wheeled traffic all the y<ar rou-'c
                Principal lJ\*eate*.—With a san't&ry state  as far as Kunar Takia some 70 miles up Ir.z
               of aff iirs a9 outlined above it can be imagined  Bushire. Be vend ibis how evr it world be n
               that conditions are ideal for the spread of such  engineering uoik of some magnitude rcqoirizj*
              contagious and infectious disease as manage to  skilled mgincers, as ihe passes aie very prtcR:-
              get into Rush ire aud this the case. Malaria,  tous and it would cost a large seme of mr&ij
              venereal disease, small-pox, measles, trachoma,  which is not likely to le forthcoming at picsenu
              ophthalmia in all forms, ski a diseases., leprosy   On the South Persia Rifles being disbanded b
               and tuberculosis in protean fonrs abouml. From
              an economic point of view the first is she most   October of the year uncer review', it was anticipat­
                                                    ed that the road would rapidly become unsafe aii
              serious and in the hot weather kills, and reduces   impassable for caravans and merchandise unUs*
              the efficiency of a large proportion of the
               population. The conditions f« r mosquito breed­  accompanied by a strong guard, and also that t;-
                                                    local chiefs en route would lery very heavy tc-3
              ing, on which malaria depends for its existence,   on everything that pss^ed through. Happily .tie
              are ideal iu Bushire. Every bouse contains an   first of these anticipations has not been justify*
              unprotected “ ambar ”, or water tank, in which
              millions «•£ mo>quito larrae breed and are risible;   and the road has rem ained open and caravans bay?
              these same larvae are considered by th e people,   passed up and down the whole year, though ss>
                                                    jected to fairly heavy charges by the Khans ai.
              even those r.ossossed of a little education, to be   “ tufang^his ” (road guards) along the roxl
              ‘'water worm-* ” and their connection with mosqui­
              tos and malaria not in tbe most remote degree   There has, however, been a certain increase in ti?
              realised. It is a common sight to see the entire   number of robberies and the tolls levied have ah '
                                                    increased, but not enough to stop traffic. Tr<
              members of a household prostrate with “ fever ”   Persian Government is proposing to s«nd do*^
              i. e. malaria, and tbe tank, and water vessels of
              tbe house teaming with larvae. VenereaJ disease   detachments of regulars to undertake the guard­
              in all its forms is very common aud mo«t of the   ing of the road, but cp till the end of the year
              population apprar to have had, to have, or be   these had not arrived, and it remain! to be
                                                    whether the guards sent down will be able t-'
              about to have, syphilis. Trachoma and
              Ophthalmia cause a great deal of blindness and   relieve the merchants of the expense and Rjc°nrf
              impaired vision ; Scabies and the contagious and   nience of the present system, where each chief o ^
                                                    lects bis toll and guarantees on payment there•.
              infectious skin diseases are so common a* not to
              excite even comment.                  tbe safety of the caravan through hi* .*£-
                                                    The amount of trade during the year is g1Teu
                As ajtart from the dispensary maintained by  the tables attached.
              the Indian Government, there is no Government
              medical aid of any kind, no statistics that would   Taxes, Customs dues and Embargoes.
              be of valae are available to show tbe extent   The new tariff wm in force during th^
              of tbe ravages of tbe various diseases. So far as  under report ax.d after tbe first outcry
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