Page 493 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 493

                Currency, Banking, etc.  'I’ll- induih ru pci   «o! ms the- hsii-i- or ;ill
              commercial transactions.   Tin* average rate <>i exchange during
              1933-34 was Rupees .1,3-10 per one hundred pounds sterling There
              is a branch of the Eastern Bank 1 limited In Manama, which
              transacts all classes of business, a branch oflici ot tin Mesopotamia
              Persia Corporation Limited, who also act as agents for Imperial
              Airways, a post office and a wireless station
                Trade.—Tlib total value of trade during ihc year (‘tided the
              31st March, 1934, amounted to .Rujices JG,0*20,8JO and showed a
              slight increase over the figure for the previous year,   Imjxirts
              actually decreased from Rupees 0,77*2,300 to "Rupees 9.275,0*10 hut
              exports increased from Rupees (>,001.213 to Rupees 0,751,K()0
              making a total increase of Rujx*es 103.270.
                rrhe following table shows the value in rupees of imports from the
              principal countries during the last three years
                                          15*51-52.    1952-35.     15*55-54.
                 India               ...   5.711,970  I ,845), 4<>()  4,244.55)0
                 Arabia                   811,15)0     5)55,4(X)    5)25,240
                 'Iraq ...                 847,290     (>(>7.020    854,920
                 Japan                     500,870     777.520      851,510
                 Persia                    720.040     •Kill. 200   €>00.140
                 Great Britain            45*0,820     (>70,'.*,SO  401,700
                Ji will be noticed that although Indian ini|x>rts still predominate,
              they show a big decline as compared with previous yeais; Japanese
              imports show a steady increase, whilst Tinted Kingdom imjiorts
              have decreased by over a third in the past year.
                Imports.—Rice, cotton goods and specie in the order mentioned
              are the chief items of iin|X)t*t. India continues to he the almost sole
              importers of rice, though recently some 35.000 hags have been
              brought to Bahrain by Japanese steamers and sell in the bazaar
              as Japanese rice. This rice, however, is reported to have originally
              been bought from India 'by Japan in view of a threatened famine
              and subsequently re-exported when there was found to ho an un­
              expected surplus. In September. 1031, it was selling at
              0 Rupees 4 annas for a hag of 2IS lbs. and was cheaper than
              Calcutta rice which cost the same amount for a hag of 3 02 lbs.
              India, Japan and the United Kingdom shared the import of cotton
              goods, hut the value of United Kingdom imports fell from
              Rupees 442,500 in 1032-33 to Rupees 2OS.40U in 3033-34. 'Flu*
              corresponding figures for Japanese ini|x>rts were Rujx'cs 558,410
              and Rupees 480,340 and for Indian imports Rupees 004.000 and.
              Rupees G40,5(.K).
                Specie was mostly imported from India and ’Iraq.

                Exports.—The principal exports in order of importance in
              1933-34 were gold, rice, cotton goods, pearls and specie and the
              principal countries to which exported, Arabia and India.
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