Page 495 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 495

            (iron* Britain and India. The superior q«ialu\ ol British goods
            is generally recognised but the Japanese article commands a mon-
            read} sale on account of its lower price. There is still a certain
            sale for British Shirtings and Mulls hut they are losing ground owing
            to the cheaper prices of the Japanese equivalents
              Silk* goods arc almost exclusively Japanese and arc remarkable
            as much for their attractive and varied patterns as for their astonish­
            ing cheapness.
              Other lines in which Japanese goods predominate on account
            of their cheapness are chinaware. glassware, hosiery, haberdashery,
            toys and rubber shoes.
              Japanese bicycles ha\o been placed on the market, but pur­
            chasers seem to have realised that they quickly wear out and
             British cycles tire preferred on account of their durability.
               Japan and Sweden at present share the market for matches.
               Trade prospects.—In considering trade prospects it must he re­
             membered that Bahrain itself is a limited market and derives
             mueli of its importance from its entrepot trade with the mainland.
               In addition to the rice and cotton goods already mentioned, large
             quantities of tea, sugar and coffee are annually transhipped and any
             cessation of this traffic would mean a serious loss to the trade of
             the island.
               Tea.—India enjoys an almost complete monopoly of the tea
             market though a small quantity ol Java tea has recently made its
               Sutjar.—Considerable quantities of Liigh-h heel sugar have been
             im]tortcd into Bahrain in recent years and have eomjieted in price
             and ]K)pularity with Java cane sugar and Soviet Union beet sugar.
             The latter has now disappeared from tin* market but two new com­
             petitors, namely a crystal sugar from Holland and Austrian beet
             sugar said to be made in Hungary, have appeared in its stead.
               Latterly the supply of Knglish sugar has dwindled and the de­
             crease in demand has been attributed t<> hB unsatisfactory bagging
             and fM deterioration of the sugar owing to the dampness of tlie
             climate. If British exporters wish to compete in this promising
             market they must study these two points and also press their
             sugar on local merchants who are ready to recognise its superiority
             over other sugars in the matter < i' cleanliness.
               Coffee.—'The most jxipular coffee on thi< market is known as
             Yemani coffee and is brought from Aden by St rick steamers. It
             is reported that this rolfee is actually grown in British Somaliland.
             The wholesale price of a hag of UiS lbs. is from *1*2 to 4S rupees.
             Malabar coffee is dearer and less popular on that account.
                Mol ans.—The market for motors appears to have reached a tem­
              porary point of saturation owing to the large number of American
             ears which have recently been imported. There might, however, he
             a limited sale in the future for a British car provided it were suitable
              for tin* country and would compete with oilier cars in price.
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