Page 208 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 208
TABLE No. 1-A.
Total Imports during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33.
Countries. 1930-31. 1931 32. 1932-33.
£ R». Ra.
India . 185.032 22.30.S97 20.00,563
Persia . . . . 3.V.*»8 3,09,907 2, >5,203
United Kingdom . 10.219 2,49,509 1,51,380
Africa . 13*s8 1,55.924 81,103
Aden . . . . 1.02 23,040 12,430
United Statci of America 73 9.1-07 14,672
Other Countric* 32,270 7 ,'>1.3 26 9,54,507
Total 282.478 37,37,118 34,71,618
TABLE No. 1-B.
Principal Imports of Pxincipal Articles during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33.
193031. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1030-31. 1931-32. 1932-33.
£ R*. Ra.
Br Steamers.
Rice . Tons 2,089 601 3.325 26,041 '■0,199 4.44,992
Wheat *1 117 115 11 1.000 10,188 1,447
Wheat floor . 256 158 195 £309 15.306 24,962
Pube . 72 37 S?*8 6.306
Other grains r? 111 24 27 739 3,228 4.400
Seeds . •» 85 5 37 495
Provirion a.
Sugar Caodj Cwt. 29 95 100 72 1.296 1.585
Sugar soft . . tv 2,582 1,140 262 1,793 7,257 4,325
Sugar loaf . 250 SO 1,775 240 550 19,832
Jaggery Pfcgs. 11 6 22 198
Tea 211 205 88 509 2,11,493 3,65,301
Coffee . Tons 520 437 393 21,284
Ghee . . . eases 135 V.616
Vegetable* . Pkgs. 94 116 214 1,473
Vegetable product* ft 791 76 2,278 1,810
Fruit* (fr«h and dry) • » 145 106
Date* . Tons 2,595 16 1,372
Spices . . P kg*. 2,000 1,936 1.639 62,283 52,960
Saffron Lb*. 450 1,000 400 11,068 6,206
Confectiooeey Pfcg*. 37 16 6,125 4,831
Vermicelli . 980 400 374 6,112 7,621
Tin provision* 177 166 292 225
Syrup ... GaU. 90 40 COO V.504
Starch . • PVp*. 13 42 100 44,853 49,786
Wines and Spirits Gala. 2,992 3,008 3,108