Page 210 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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                                          TABLE No. 1-B—contJ.
              Principal Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33—eon/d.

                                                     Quantity.              Yalck.
                                               1930-31.  11131-32.  11*32-33.  1030-31.  1031-32.  1032-33.

                                                                       £      1U.    R«.
                      By Steamers—concld.
           Cura (Beniamino)   .           rkgs.    82    114     113    434   8,358   5,918
           Enainolwarr .   .   .           M       20    104     320    117   6.316  14,006
           Glass nn<J Earthenware .        tf      18     16     12      47   1,214    721
           Wares............................................................  »»  loo  10,718
           Aluminium .                             2       4      4      42   1,3*23  1.011
           Furniture .                                     3                    ICO
           Cutlery .                       »»      13      0      6      76   1,125   1,339
           Building- Materials   .         *•     47S   2,711   3,007   236   28,429  12.050
           Box lx>ard$ (ebook*-)           ft    3,780  1,002  2,002   1,473  0,761   7,125
           Hides nnjd Lcathervar* .                8       8            161   2,231
           Hardware .                      99     203    262     342    315   8.200   9,033
           Metal............................................................  144  243  170  312  12.300  4,388
           Machinery .                             2      03     11      27   3.514   2,383
           Tallow '................................................  Tins  324  40  206  300
           flatting................................................  l*k»s.  127  41
           Laropwaro .   -   .             99      62      2     10     351    411    2,506
           Musical Instruments                    20      27     lb     573   7,587   4,322
           Acid......................................................  Bottlef  20   330
           Charcoal .....                Fkgs.            50 j                 150
           Cartoons .....                                  5 •                 900
           Gas cylinders ....             Nos.            15                   375
           Boat materials ....           l’kgs.           25                   850
           Miscellaneous goods with passengers                         7,095  l,lG,0«O  1,48,106
           Parcels .....                                               5,003  71,703
           Sowing machines ....          Cases                   OS
           Non-oketric fans ....           ft                     6
           Canvas (.hoes ....              »»           t •      35
           Fish hcoks .....                                       0
           Sandal wood                   Bdlft.                  2o
           Ager I>ust................................................  Bags  142
           Mejith roots ....             Tkgs.                   16
           Articles not spccifed above .                                110
                       Total Imtoet by Steamers                       170,200  22,97,149  23,26,005
                      By Sajlxxc Vessels.
           Rica .                         Tom    7,930  8,172   5.715  72,418  9.00,323  6,81,299
           Wheat                         t  99    5-56   511]    247   3,924  49,952  34,009
           Wheat floor                            251    774     580   5.090  78,959  69.191
           Pulse .                         99      S*     84            840   10,847
           Other grains    T  f                    51     33     135    308   2,949  13,757
           Seeds .                       .’ Pkg*.  657   150     305    220    943    1,938
           Sugar Candy                    Cut-     4                     7
           Sugar aoft                      99   16,748  13,022  18.098  8,282  96.033  1,24,995
           Jaggery                        Pkg*.  1,025                  962    197
           Tea .   t                       **      29            33      64
           Coffee .   -   I|«|            Tons     6             10     264
           Gboe .   ®.  | *               Cun     632   1,120    212    796  31/W1
           Vegetables  .                  Pkgs.   135     61     116     86    732
           Vegetable products              99              I             32    39*«
           Fruits .                        P9      18     28
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