Page 367 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 367
TABLE No. 1-C-twrf/.
Principal Article* and Counlric* from which imported during the year* 1935-36, 1936-37 and
QuAMrrrr. Valce.
Akmtn aj»d Cocj(Ti«« no* wiikh mroRT*i*.
•'t» 1935-36. 1936-37. 1937-38. 1935-36. 1936-37. 1937-3*.
IU. R*. Ra-
Br Steajcr.xs—<owld-
It'infi and Spirita.
Wine--* and Spirits—
India . G*1U 83 100 264
United Kingdom re 1,100 7.810 398 21,604 15,790
Gcrinuiy 944 1.130 866 12,901 1I/02
France . 1,030 2 02 7,<*8
Jlc.Oaad n 550
Otbci Countries 312 7 5,926 210
Fiah 02—
Jnpaa . • 3,280 3.760 5.609 6,362
KeruofLe Oil—
Persia - 99 109,600 113.1CO 14*2*7 60,006 61,773 31,422
Pet red—
PcrrH . 104,020 136,000 160,8(4 93,610 1.18,495 1,55,541
VegetsMe Oil—
Jupu . . . 775 12,718
Lubricating Oil—
Peril . . 1.224 2116 1,030 2,638 4,916 1,904
Cercany . . 2,940 492 675 4,458 3.289 2,660
India . • 56 68 720 1.287
United Kingdom 99 36 220
Point*, Colo’ATt and Dy'O.
Dry Co’oor—
United Kingdom . Cam* 9 3 595 120
India ... 24 23 77 3,996 4.591 7,710
Japs* . • • 99 21 497
Aries . . . 36 27 48 9.541 5,053 10,708
Person Gulf . • 4 855
if dirinr* and Drag*.
India Pico. 224 211 217 5,608 9,979 5,780
Pena . 101 78 9 4.-768 1,998 735
Paean Gulf . •t 2 32 110 1,174
Other Countries 10 1.250
Pena . Lba. 171 120 9 8.059 3^48 1,589
Aries . 11 679
India . 99 53 90 119 2.642 3,830 7,150
Pc 13 64 44 260 674 1,158
Ocher Countries 99 I 256
Roapital Stores -
United States 22 12 1,015 1,081
United Kingdom 2 397
TfJiiU Fabric*.
Cot too Piecegoods—
Okies 2 225
India 99 800 446 889 1.93.201 1.64,579
United Kingdom & 65 2 40,550 28,776 1,375
c 2