Page 372 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 372

                                           TABLE No. 1-C—conl<L
                Principal Article* and Countries from which imported during the year* 1235-36, 1936-37 and

                                                      Qr*NTITT.              Valic.
               Annexe? *5i> Conmue* rr.ox union xxrontr.D.   i                          0
                                                1035-36.  1030 37. ! 1037-30.  1035-36.   1036-37.  1037-3$.

                                                                       IS*.   IU.     Its.
                      By S»iuxo Vcvscls—contd.
              Wliwt Flour—
                India ...                 Tons.   1,519  1,4-31  i.e>j  1,11.11k  1.41.101  1,56.012
                l’-man Cull .              91      45             5    2.452           44*
                Iraq                       »•              7                    768
                Ollier Countrics           t*              3 i                  346
                India                      99      18      ■V.    1-   2. VO          2,657
              Ollier Graint—
                India                                     121     67           6.** *3  10.214
                Tenia 'Iran) .             9t      62                  4.036
                Persian Gull .                      2             .7     11$           273
                Iraq                                       2!                   102
               India ...                  Pkgs.           153 j                6.048
              Wheat bran—
                India                      99            1,004 |  95*          5,733  5.108
              Sugar Soft—
               India ...                  Tons.     8                   023
               Java                               1,736  6,484    i   1.00.2M   C7.305  35
               Other Countries             9t      G8                  3.5 vj
              Sugar Gaudy—
               India .   .   .            Cuts.           23     IfcS           105    471
               India ...                  Pkg*.     5      13 ,   14     101 f  157    246
              Tea—                                                         :
               India .                             64     224    y.*5  1.259   4.615  14.372
               Africa .                    H        1     22            439     515
               Persia (Iran) .                            10            213     5^
               India .                    Tins            69     133           1,202  3.323
               Persian Gulf .              99     1,019                12.437
               India ...                  I'kgs.   81     121     23   1.2*6   1,167   196
               Persia (Iran) .                             u\                   01
              Frails, fresh and dry—       99
               Persian Golf .              99      49     21      71    C39     516   1.012
               India ...                   99                     5                    325
               Persian Gulf .             Tons.    42      8            583     249
               Iraq                                               26                  I.OSO
              -- Other Countries           99                     32                  1JC6
                India .                   Pkgs.    332    564    (/<6  11,5.21  17,575  17.04*
                Fenian Gulf .                       3             It     66            2*7
              Miscellaneous Provisions—    rt
                India .                            877   1,086  1.77*  19.429  12,147  25,115
               Singapore                   99      700                 6.216
                Persian Golf .             99       3             4      M             466
                Zanzibar (Africa) .        99       3                   169
                Africa .                   99      696    616    88*   2.194   2.428  3.332
                India .                    99             56      7            1,507   556
               India .                              5     123    283    660  - 1.444  3.910
   367   368   369   370   371   372   373   374   375   376   377