Page 377 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 377

                                     TABLE No. 2-B—contd.
             Total Export of Principal Articles during: the years 1935-36, 1956-37 and 1937-38—conitL

                                                      1935-36.   19*3647.   1937-39.

                                                       R*.         R*.        R*.
                       Bv Saiuso Vessel*.
        Kice                                             13,995      1,445       225
        Kikb. dry and salted                             56.451    1.19,011    37,090
        Sardine, dry                                     25,539     76,858     54.589      !
        Fisb M.«u« .   •                                  557
        r*t»ic*                                           234         198        906
        Fish Lone* .   .                                  17*        1,317      2,395
        Fish oil                                          317                   3.815
        Fish Manure                                      5,821       2,991
        Shark Fins   .                                   1.70)       1,246
        Cowrie* .   .                                                 237        147
        Prawns .   .                                                 1,269        50
        Dates dry .                                     2,85.6ft   2^8,320    1,94^330
        Dites, u«-t«                                     81.553     70,629     93.208
        Pomegranate*                                      15)        616        1.124
        Linx-s, dry and fresh                            24.902      8,076     14,858
        Date juice .                                     7,545        384       1,933
        Sugar l/mf   .                                   4,176      2,400
        Sugar Mift .   ,                                  GO)                   4^70
        Sugar Candy                                                   20
        Wines and Spirit*                                 941
        K(Twinc oil   .                                  1,575                   700
        ToUin-o .   .                                    25,077     20,037      2.134
        Cotton good*                                    1.00,550    3,835        600
        Raw (otton                                                  88,570      2.434
        Wool                                             12.74#     15,045     12,750
        Carpet*                                          2,050
        Cod .   .   .   .                                  n                  • •
        Bar Soap ,   .   .                                162
        Sandal Wood .   .                                 225        294
        Hide*                                             52S
        Coat hair ...                                    6.161      8,044      19.190
        Goat akin* .                                      76#        1.490      1,79#
        Mat and mat bag* .                               11,545     6.901       5.797
        Building material*                               1,916      7,750       4^47
        Ghee ....                                         555       6,940       5.495
        Firewood ...                                     14.751     39,709     17.360
        Animals ...                                       MS                  • •
        Date Slick*                                      6.04T       1,619       800
        Henna Leave*                                      806        407         150
        Article* not apecified above                     103U       14.486      9^286
                                                       7.42*05     7,49,144   4,93^84
                         Toast Export bt Rsirxyo Vinos
   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381   382