Page 382 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 382

                                        TABLE No. 2-C-xoncti.

           Principal Article* and Countrie* to which exported during the yeoro 1935-36, 1936-37 and 1937-3&—
                                                   QrASTTTT.              V*m*b.
             Amides Cooniiy TO 'IIICB CXTORTtU.
                                             1935-36.  1936-37.  1937-3R.  i‘jin-36.  1930.37.  1937-38.

                                                                    R*.    IN.     1U.
                   Bx Sanix« VesselroncW.
                       T*stilu- e-ontd.
            Rjt Cotton—
             Persian Ctlf .           . ltd!*.                 25                  2.184
             Indin .                                  1.9IS                88.570
             Itaq .                                            2                    250
           Weed—                                                           15.045
             India .                            127    176    171   12.740        12.7311
           Car net*—
             Africa .                            4                  2.050
                        Mir-* 2’inoiif.
             Persian Oilf .             Ton*                                 28
            Jtar Swp—
             India .                   Cue*      4*                   162
           Sandal Wood—
             Ptr&Ian Gclf .                      In •   23           225     294
             India ,                   Pkfr.     7 !                 525
               Hair—                               !
             India                              122     98    120   *.163   8.044  I9.IW
           Coat Fkipa—
             India                               14 j   12     16    760    1.490  1,614
           • Ptnian Guif .                                     5                    185
           Mats and Mat k*g<                       !
             Africa .                          3.4*6 j  1..VM       3.960   2.300
             India                                 '  2.565   979   7.560   3,632  4,407
             Persian Gulf .                      5  :  497     90     25     969   1.350
             Persia                                            20                    40
           Building Material'
             Iraq                                *2                  700
             Persian Gulf ~                     117 .  274    344   1.150   2.930  4,347
             P«nia .                            3» I                        4.820
           Ghee                                   :
             India                      Ti*«     42    454    40V    555   5.05    5,217
             Persian Gulf                              26      24            255    278
             Persian Gulf              Babar?   533    849    309  34.400  38.699  17.360
             Persia .                                   18                  1,010
             Mckallah                            t                   351
             India                      N.*l    124                  595
           Date Sticki
             Persian Gulf .   •        THU.   10,916  9.7CO  5.524  0.047   1.019   770
             Aden                                                                    30
           Henna Leave*—                 •e                   280
             Persia a Gulf .                     49    35      13    2<i0    mi     150
             India   .                          121
           Ankle* not aneeilfied abort   re                          500
             India .                                                3.581   3.209  S.ltt
            (fiber Countries                                        7.232  11.217  4.156
                         Riitar nr Kaiiimj Vekski*                        7.49.144  4.M3.K84
   377   378   379   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387