Page 384 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 384
Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade on the port
during the year 1937-38.
Steam Vend*.
COCSTWE* WlIM CAR««. IS lULLAtT. Torn. COCXTtlC* TO With Casoo. lv Tout.
wulm-k WHICH CLLlRLh.
.Vo. No. No. No No N<>
of of Tto- of Tonnage. Toumagr. Toi>- •A Ton
Vrv Tounage. Vea- Vi i*- V n< Viv nacr. V-*-
Mb, Ml*. M* |a. M :la. **U.
llrltUb or 36.M6 i 4.446 C3 43.534 liiiti-h 02 1-.SG8 4,0<V-» 43 43.504
Itutrti . 3 19,440 J Is.115 Hitih 3 I-.44S 3 19,140
UrruiaB 7 28.127 7 28.127 C«rmaa 7 £-•.127 7 n.ia
Japanese 27,037 27,307 JapaiM-M . 8 27.337 9 *7.347
Total so 112,600 1 4,44a 61 117,503 Tor at so 112,890 1 I.GCd j *1 117.541
Soiling Vestel*.
Iran . 3 K 13 ON 10 6M) Iran 1C C«0 ■ 10 4<9
Other Cou utile* . 0 0« e 3i3 14 971 Oilnr C <niiiritw . 14 971 14 271
• i30
Total 11 734 10 *07 30 1.931 Total 3U 1.951 1.431
Statement showing exchange rates of Dollars and Baizas during the year 1937-38.
Bra. for cne Rajtcea for 100
Mouths. Bts. for 1 $.
Rupee. Dollar*.
April r 230 168 130*
May 232 168 137*
June . 231 168 137*
July . 223 160 140
August 216 155 138
September 212 155 136*
October 212 : 7« 115*
November 212 192 106
December 211 208 101
January 215 212 100
February 216 212 100*
March 216 211 101*
Total 2,827 2,187 l.tfiO*
HighMt . 232 212 140
Average 210 182 120-14
Lowest 211 155 100