Page 387 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 387
Report on the Trade of Muscat for the year 1938-39.
tLe year ended 31st March 1039. Of tli*'jre 1«J4 with
General description of the Sultanate of Muscat. a total gross tonnage of 31*»,>77 were under il.-i
British Flag. 10 German vessels with a gross ton
«S.e ivj*ort for the previous year. nage of 71,123, 13 Japanese with a gross tonnage
73,710 and 2 Dutch with a jrr««s tonnage of 12,133
Currency. entered and cleared the ports of Muscat and MatruL.
See re port for the previous year.
Freights ruling during the year were as follows :—
Weights and Measures.
Set rcjKirt for the previous year. Ks a.
(1) To UoiuL;iy and Karachi—
Dry dates ... <• 15 |*er Lip.
Measures (Linear). Wet dat<« ... I- 4 jier t m of 2*,' cwzi.
Sa.'tiv as last year. Wet dat'a in cast* 12 4 jier ton 40 e. ft.
Dry in Lundies . 1 U jut bundle.
Pomegranates in crates I :i |kt «raxe.
Cotton iu Lundies 5 8 |»cr bundle.
Set report for the previous year. Cotton picce-goxL* and
woolk -n zooda 14 0 ]>cr <0 c. ft.
(2) To Colombo—
Wet daces in Lags . 24 4 per ton.
Silica as last year.
Wet dales in eases . 24 4 jut 40 r. fu
Dry fish . . 2* O jx.-r ton of 20 wu
(3) To I’nitcd States of America—
Same* as last year.
i* «. d.
Wet da:«* in cases . 4 13 «» per 40 e. ft. of 2v c-t*.
Shipping. up to I6tb Set<-ui-
Ix-r 1038 and ihrrc-
TL-’ principal Steamship Lilies which called at (4) To London— aftc r£5-5-0.
Muscat and Matrah during the year under report
Wet dates in case* . 3 I-J 0 per 40 c. ft of 2$ evts.
were as follows:—
(1) The British India Steam Navigation Com
pany. Limited.
(±) The Asiatic Steamship Company. PARTIL
(3) The Mogul Line of Steamers.
(A) Trade.
(1) The Stock Line of Steamers.
(5-J Silver Java Pacific Line of Steamers. It will be seen from the following table that
there was an increase of Rs. 7,09.WW in the value
(f,) The Haasa Line of Steamers. of the total imports, as compared uritb the figures
(7) The Yamashita Steamship Company, of the previous year.
(t) The Mitsui Bbusan Kaisha Line of Value of irapvrta.
Steamers. Km
129 steamers of all nationalities aggregating 1937*38 . 41,67,125
498,173 tons entered and cleared these ports during 1938*39 . 48,76,193