Page 391 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 391

                                    TABLE No. 1-B—contJ.

               Imports of Principal Artidcs during the years 1936-37,1937-38 and 1938-39—contd.
                                                    1930-37.   1937-38.    1938-39.
                                                      il*.       Ra­        Its.
                     ]lY STEAMERS—Cr.mUl.
                  Tobacco and Smoling Rsqwiiitt*.
                                                      22/J87     25,733     30,439
       Tobacco                                        30,688     20,728     25, COG
       Cigarette papers                               3,052       4,206
                      Gold etui Silctnrare.
       Jari (Ookl thread)                             29,700     S3jm       20,402
                     Yfhiclu and Aceet*ori($.
       Motor Can                                      12,109      6.165      2,103
       Motor acc«-Morif«                              12,400      9A>52      12.477
       Motor Launch                                    000
       Launch acccsrforicj                             678
       Camera* .   .   •                                                      476
       Maul** ...                                     5,701      1+JM0      18,137
       Stationery ...                                  811       15J923      11,701
       Wax-pa}**   •   •                              7,809
       Waste Paper   .   •                            4,238
       Perfume .                                      5,153       2^37
       Gum (Benjamin)                                 4,711
       Soap, T«/Jct.                                  6,079       7>S2       10.341
       Enamel-** are                                  7,438  1    3LT74     21,522
       GlasA-«are ...                                 3,093  :    3.765      2,768
       Aliitninium-waro                               5,734       7.242      6^14
       Furniture .                                    1,178       3.780      3.473
       Rail'I mg material*                            4.024       3.157       4r>a
       Box board* (Shooks) .                          8.701                  2^5.1
       Hide*—L/-albcr goods .                         1,949       4515       3.476
       Hardware .                                     12,950     15.766     25,045
       Metal                                          4,648       1.161      2,636
       Machinery ...                                  15,306      3.425      13,708
       Lump wait) ...                                 3,057       1.771      4,460
       Musical niKtrumect* .
       Cum cylinder*                                                          433
       Sewing machines                                                        770
       Canvas Shoe*   •   •                           3,060        602       1,015
       Flab book* .   •                                                       534
       Saudalvuod   .   •                             2,680       3,895      1383
       Agunrood .                                     1,722       3.354      3^45
       Clock* and Watebes                              937        3,437       660
       Cement                                         31,602     31,575     38.144
       Porcvlaia-ware .                               2.515      1«2<5
       Radio* and Gramojkonc*                                     6.184      7,532
       iJollara                                             f   5.77.480   3,19.600
       Type writer*                                                           647
       Gramophone Record* .  .                                               2,032
       Article* *«ot specified above                 1,17,183    64,118     63,107
                                Total rr steamce*   26,36,979  28,18.685   28,40/132
   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396