Page 396 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 396

                                          TABLE No. 1-C—contd.
               Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1336-37. 1337-38 and

                                                     (JrANTITT.            Vau'c.
      and Coi'muics its/jm which imi-obteo. j__
                                               19110-37.  1937-38.   1938-39.  1930.37.  I  1937-3S.  193849. <
                                                                      It*.   It-.   1U.
                          Hr Steam □is—court.
                        Mrrjicinc* and Dr   —corrrd.
               Aden .                   . Pkg*.           ii ;                r.79
               India .                             DO    119     21   3.KJ0  7.1- TO
               Persia .                            54     41           -774  1.1- 78   1489
               Other Countries                                   17
              Ho«piial Stores—                             1                  2-70    430
                I'listr-l 8t itw.                  12                  1/«S1
                United Kingdom .                    2                  397
                         Textile Fabric*.
              Cotton |ie<egood*—
               China .                    Pfces.
                India .                           44*7   889    Hi3   1,04.779  2/2.7.11
                United Kingdom                     0-7     •» •  27           1/7-1   2/7/70
               Pe*r*i»n Gulf .                    181 I   70 i  179   28,“i»  20.WHi   10.611
               Japan -                           2/4/1  1.420 !  3.13.1 i 4,78,193   3,OS.Jlu   48,4«/J
               Ho’Jind.                            13      n          8,972   2,2t*r.   7.00/41
               Other Countries                     43             8                  4.439
              Woollro Goods—                               K          I.W4     927
               India .   ,                         14    HR     119
               Japan .                             3      17     10   9.114  13/21  10/30
               Italy .
               Gcntunjr                            11      1      9   3/32     660   1,782
               Other Countries                            3       3                  1,3-79
              Silk gooi*—                                         3            ISO    432
               China .                            144     67
               Japan .                     : i     68     92     50  1,47.900  19/12  10/00
               India .                             33 |   34     19   1/59   18.916
               Iraq                                 2                  190           3.204
               Persian Gulf .                             26
               United Kingdom                                     6 3        1.120    -702
               Italy .                                    10     15                  2,494
              Silk Raw—                                                      4.021   5,922
               India .                             12     20     30
               Other Countries             ••                         6.172  ___5/46  9.023
              Artifi'iil Silk goods—                             -79                23,918
               Jnpaa .                            188     20     60
               United Kingdom                                         38/08  3.758  11.204
              Twirt aad Yam—                                      6                  2,301
               India .                            183    320    32S
               Japes .                             16                 36.987  .73.799  CI/7C
               Cliina .   . *                              3     1.7  5/S4     703   3,200
               Other Countries             M      295     33    24.7  CO/77  12/40  48,133
              Hosiery—                                    34                 12.035
               Jap-tB .
              Hain-riiUitry—                                                          356
                In«Iia tp&Hp                       41
              Old Clothing—                               115         6J50   11.418
               India .                     •»       S     23
              Sail Cloth—                                        48    453   2.C00   4,144
               Per-un Gulf .
              Carpets—                                            3                   270
               Persian Gulf .                      21
               Persia .                    ••       a      7 2   28   4/88   1.471   f/ll
   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401