Page 395 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 395


                                      TABLE No. \~Q-coniJ.
                                         which imported during the yean 1936-37, 1937-38 and
           Principal Articles and Countries from
                                         I                             Valte.
                   CoCNTJIIM FEOE Wllicn IMPORTED.
          Articles and                                          1930-37. J 1937-33.  193S-39.
                                           1930-37. i 1937-3S.  193849.
                                                                  Rf-    Ka.    Ra.
                   Bt Steamers—arntd.
          Ro#r Water—                                       124                   033
           Iraq                    . Pkg*.    201    121     CSr  2.114   1.417  2,173
           Persia .                    rt
         Oboe—                        Tina     1       7     30     16     114    486
           India .                             27             4    378            63
           Persian Culf •
         Groundnut*—                . Bags     09    113    103     6S8   2,110   *95
           India .
                    If irr** and Spirits.
          Wines and Spirit*—         Galls.   100            1«>    353           200
           India .                           7.810   398          30.011  13,790
           L'nit'-d Kingdon                  1.430   *HG          3.968  11,302
           Germany                           1,030   202          ■4.338  7.088
           Fnnit .                            550                  2.355
           Holland                                     7                   210
           Otlcr louotries
          Kish OJ-                  . Galls  3,760         1,701  HJKi           2,818
           JajKin .
          Kcrvinc Oil—                      113,160  14.227  109,304  61.773  31,422  39,638
           Perec* .                    n
          Petrol—                           136,000  1SO.S44  25.200  1,15.495  1,33,341  19,360
           Persia .
          VfHrlklllf Oil—                            775                 12.718
           Japan .                     ft
          Lubricating Oil—                   2,116  1.030  4.4>i   4.916  1,904  7,230
           PtT.-ia .                   ft     492    675   4JX43   3.239  2,660  7,506
           Germany                     ft      56     68            720   1.287
           India .                             36                   220
           l'nit«.d Kingdoa
                  F.iimU. Odour* and Dgts.
          Dry Colour—                          3                    120
           Unite*! Kiugdoa •        . Case*    23     77     58    4.591  7,710  4,545
           India •   •                         21                   497
           Japan .
          Want                                 27     48     32    5.053  10.708  8^59
           Aden .
          Paint*—                                            34                  3,389
           India                       •t                     4                   133
           Other Countries
                    Jltdicines and Drugs.
          Medicine*—                . Pkg*.   211    217    117   9J979   5.780  2AJ36
           India .                             78      9           IJ9»    735
           l'CTAC* .                   tt      2      32    266     110   1.174  1,691
           Persian Gulf .              tt                  • •
           Other Countrie*             tt    t •
          Opiu                        Lb*.    120            16   3J948   L589    522
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