Page 397 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 397

                                     TABLE No. 1-C—contd.

          Principal Articles and Countries from which importod during the years 1926-37, 1937-38 and
                                                 Qcaxtttt.             Taj.ce.
          Articles a so Countries itiom wiiicii imported.
                                          193G-37.  1937-38.  1938-33.  1-/W.37.  l'rL'7-38.  1938-39.
                                                                 Rfl.   Rs.     R«.
                  Bv Steamers—co«*frf.
                  Ttrtile Fair its—cootd.
         Cuimy Bn pi
          India                    . Fkga.   aw      238    043  16,2.-,9   B4/>33  22.756
          Persian Gulf .                      75     45      94   3,378  2wOG   4.487
          India                       rf       2             17    100           747
          India .                             95     135     6    8,280  14.992  333
                Tcfsitca and Sn.-oLing It'quisitcs.
          Jr-dia                     Cases    24     34      3     539   2.976   401
          t'nited Kingdom                     125    73     209  21,372  .22.759 i  29,330
          Per, inn Gulf .                     JO j           2     370           484
          Ollier Countries            ff                     2                   213
          India                               14 I   17      21    175   3/iS2 !   330
          United Kingdom              rt      90 i   47      87  CO,513  27,146 j  25,302
          Perrian Gulf .                                     2                    33
         Cigarette Paper—
          France .                             5     12           2,303  2,091
          Pen-inn Gulf .                       5      5           1,319   857
          Other Countries                            27                  1,253
                 Void and iSJc'T-irare.
         Jari (Gold thread)—
          India                     Parrels  334     267    251  29,760  23,095  20,462
                  VdticUs and Aeccsj'/rl/j».
         Motor Cars—
          India                      Nos.      5             2    5,360         2,103
          United States.                       2                  4,460
          United Kingdom                       1                  2,289
          Other Countries                             2                  6,165
         Motor Accessories—
          India                      Pkgs.    141    92     128   9,069  6.093  11,244
          Persian Gulf .
          United States.                      20     18           2.472  2.859
          •Japan .                    rs      10      1      7     865    100    471
          Other Countries                                    4                   762
         Motor Launc b—
          Persian Gulf .             Nos.      1                   COO
         Launch Accessories—
          United Kingdom             Plcgs.   11                   678
          Japan .                  . Cases    117    260    287   5.761  12,990  17,255
          Other Countries             99                    14                   8St
          India .                     rt       2     156    103    181  14,174  8,979
          Germany .                            5     12      5     400   1,749   285
          United Kingdom                       3                   230
          Other Countries                                   20                  2,520
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