Page 394 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 394


                                          TABLE No. 1-C—conld.
              Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and
                                                     Quantity.             Value.
              Annexes asd CorNTUJnj rm»c wiucii intomed.
                                               1930-37.  11*37.38.   1938*39.  11)30*37.  11)37*38. ! 1938-391

                                                                     Its.   Ku.    Kt.
                       JJv STE-aiinis—ersi/d.
             Wheat Floor—
              Indio                      Tons     279   3.038 ,  3,704  39,003  33,313  34,108
             Other Grains—                                  I'
              India .                             100    765   2,033  10.293  12,706   35,216
              Persian Gulf .                       6     334 !         G62   3,012 f
              Other Countries                     57  ;  125    710   3.81G  2,857   6,554
             Sugar Candy—
              Singapore                  B»go     60             5    1,312      i   189
              Other Countries                                                    t
             Sugar, soft—                                                        '
              J*va                              20,581  1,729  11,373  1,89,760 !  21,800   1,28,CSS
             Sugar Loaf—                                                  I
              Belgium                             117                  873       :
             Jaggery—                     9%        I
              India                      Ftp*      4      4      2     152     98     39
             Tea—                                                         i
              India .                             443    126    296  19,632 t 10,672 I 15,932
              Japan .                             20                   983 *     !
              Other Countries             W       20      3           1,679 j  285 \
             Coffee—                      9%                                     I             ’
              Singapore .                         331   3,878  3,704  2^8,053 ( 2,78,516   2,11,636
              India                       ft                    98                  5,1/73
              Other Countries             m        2             2    * *642 "   .”  :  Uaj
             Vegetables—                                                         I
              Lidia                               327    589    500   3,645  5,329  4,712
              Persian Gulf .                                    25               :   2 l«i
             Spices—                                                      :      I
              India .                             634    262   1,334  23,893  12,766 j !  43,561
              Other Countries             ff      89            143   3,433         3,971
             Vegetable products—          9t
              Other Countries                     79                  2,407
             Saffron—                     ff
              India .   .                Lbs.                    4                   636
              Persian Gulf .                                     «
              Spain .                     •f      600    14           6.2CO   794
             Fruit, Fresh—                ft
              India .   .                Crates    9     193           HO    2,922
             Fruit, Dry-
              Other Countries                            27     18           1*30    797
             Tinned Provisions—           •V
              India •                    Pkgt.    16 *   70     151    559   3,965  6,472
              United Kingdom                      32;                 2,295
              Singapore                   ft        i           46   •*•             611
              Other Countries             ff **  *193 i  32           2,556  2,835
              Italy                       *       45!                6,366
              Australia                                         50                   506
             Starch—                      m
              United States               m       16   .*•    *•.      206
              Persian Gulf .              •*      12                   162
              India .                             14                   362
              Belgium                     ff      32                   416 ;
   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399