Page 380 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 380
TABLE No. 2-C—conttL
Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1935-36, 1936-37 and 1937-38—
con id.
QrANTITT. Vala*k.
Annexes d CorxniiEft to wiura n.rontEi>.
1935-3G. 11*3037. 11)37.38. 1935-36. 19.V;.37.
IU. Kb. IU_
Br Steamer-*—<o*cW.
led is .... BdU. 23 57 30 2.043 .'.Oil 5.327
Build tog Material*—
Pinun Gulf ... PkjC*. 4 €4
Ptntian Gulf ... 21 3 7 .Vi 150
Inq .... 25 l .525
PcrsZlD Gulf . • Ba^f 21 23/1
Iraq .... 200
Wheat Flour—
Ptman Gulf ... 3" 40 27-'. 410
Lubricating Oil—
India .... Drum* 24 240
Ptral'.n Gulf . . •• 301 003
Scainp Machine*—
PiT.-ian Gulf . Cxv* 13 1.000
Article* not specified abort—
India .... Pkg*. 139 18/# 1.400 3.472
Persian Gulf ... 6 1,043 195 7»«1
Iraq .... 2 7U0 -74.5
Other Countries 2»i 4 675
Total Extort by $te.*mer 25.22,743 24,02.497 2S.03.I3I
Br Sailixo Vessels.
Tons 1 16 *5
17 i 6o 1.429 140
99 13.836
Fifth, dry and ashed—
India ... Pkga. 470 109 274 8.780 1,336 !X3e3
Colocal >o . . 2.235 5.797 1,725 47,675 1,17,495 23.707
Persia o Golf • . 99 31 180
Sardine, dry—
India 5,659 25,703 24,5.72 252120 76,fc58 54^9*
Fifth Ma
China • 99 29 550
India . 99 56 117 327 236 198 90C
India . • 12 816 1,548 170 1,317 2^9*
Fifth oa—
India . . Tina 1,490 3,«15
Persian Gulf . 99 202 317 I
Fiah Manure—
India . • Pkga. 2,736 2,315 5,821 2.90!
Shark Fin*—
China . 66 36 1.700 1.246