Page 374 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 374

TABLE No. 1-C—contd.
               Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 193S-36, 193S-37
                                             1937-38—con td.
                                                     Qoaxtitt.             Valuk.
              Articles a no <\>cntwea ruvx which imiorted. !
                                               1935 3®.  1936-37.  1937-38.   1935 36.  1930-37.  U*37-36.jJ

                                                                     R«.     R«.    IU
                     By Sauixo Vessels-<onid.
                       21ulicints and Drugt.
               PcnUc Gull .              Pie*..   G03     I           1.734    52
               Iudia .                                    4      !U                   368
               Persia (Iran) .            M              887     8           5.331    168
               Aden .                                           73U                  3.034
             Allan—                       •I
               Persia (Iran) .                    15     692                   £H
               Persian Gull .             • I     538                 3,£42          4^37
               India .                    • f            11     25            504    619
                    Tot* Co and Sinoliuj JitquifiU*.
               India                               2      2            40      »
             Tobacco—                                            2                    50
               Persian Gulf               •       64      15    25            19>
               India .                     t      54     119    7C     W1             263
                                          99                          2.057  3.3W   2,787
               India .                            20     21      5
             Rote Water—                  M                           .1,373  1,205  352
               Peraan Gull .                      370    40           4 344   30)
             Lead—                        99                                         613
               India .                    ••       5     12
             Building Materials—                                10W    93     »3     1,403
               India .                           6,414  3,904  1,884  23.25*  30.1(9
               Africa .                   99      756    512   6,066                14.723
             b'tatioDtry—                 99                          3.251  GSA&   47,213
               India  .   .                       12                   309
               India .                   Bdla.           12                   213
               India  .   .                       46                   104          • •
             rurnit                       99
               India .                   Pkga.    185    147
             Metals—                                                  L8C<3  1.9*1
               India .                            115                 1,953
             Glaas-                       99
               India   «                          16
             Hardware—                    99             •2            246   1AO
               India   .                                        451
               Persian Gull •             99             140                  24S    6,544
             Hllhnp----                   99
               Persian Gulf .                    6,641   167          1.720  •,421
               Persia .                   99                                   US
               Other Countries            99                    461                  6,196
               India .                            80            12a
             Ourroa]—                     99              17          1.102   211     •56
               India .   ,                        868    889    761                  1,791
             Animal*—                     99                          2.070
               Persian CuU .             Nor.     94                   476
             Waste papers—
               India   .                 rkgm.    46                          971    3,028
             Kandal-v&od—                                34     122   1.403
               IndU .
                                          99       t                   yjc
   369   370   371   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379