Page 371 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 371

                                       TABLE No. 1-C—con/<L
           Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1S25-36, 19oG-37 and

                                                  (JCAj-rnr.            Vaute.
          ^ axd CootiuK3 fro* wmen 130touted.
                                            1033-36.  1036-37.  1937-38w  1935-36.  1934-37.  1037-39.

                                                                   R*.    n«.    Its.
                   By Steamers—cwnM.
                   Miter ftwcoue—ccocld.
          Gai Cylinder*—
           India .   .                Nos.     19                   384
          Sewing Machines—
           Other Countries             H                             173
         Canvas Shi
           Japan ....                 Cases    55     36      8    3A44   3,000    G02
         Fi>h Hooka—
           Sweden   ...                         6                  2.946
           India ....                 Boles.   33     21      Cl   4,632   2.CS0  3.895
           India ....                 Bags.    148    123    151   2.670   1,722  3454
         Clocks and Watches—
           Switzerland ...            Pels.     3                   173
           India ....                                 31      14           937     440
           Japan ....                                         62                  2497
           Other Countries .   .       H        1                    20
           Japan ....                 Bags   11,416  23,235  26,805  11,806  27,329  31,573
           Japan ....                 Cases           79     239          2,515   8,621
           Germany ...                                        7                   1,624
         Radio Seta—
           England ...                                       22                   0,180
           All Countries .            Pkgs.                  367                5,77.486
         Articles not specified a boro—
           United Kingdom .                                               1.930
           India ....                  ft 99                      61.1(0  53,822  48,186
           Persia (Iran) .   .   .     *t                          3^92           2471
           Japan ....                  ft                                  583
           Sweden ...                  ft                                         1423
           Singapore                   ft                                 4.444
           Other Coontrien .   .                                  52440   56,404  lim
                         Total sr Steamers                       25,07422  26,56,979  26.1 RA«
                   Br Sailzbo Vessels.
           India                      Tons.  9424   13,787  8.209  7,99.086  11,67.101
           Persia (Irma) ,             ft      19     82           1.765  8,951
           Persian Coif ,                    • •              79                  9A7»
         Wheat—                        ft
           India .   .                        224     265    171   17.696  24,887  22409
           Persia (Iran) ,             ft      32     90           1471    4A5J
           Persian Golf .                      140                 7A58
           Iraq                        ft    • •      67                  5,095
           Other Coantrns              n     ••       18                   1427
         Rice Floor-7
           India                       ft    • •      67     61           6407    •407
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