Page 403 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 403
TABLE No. 1-C-concR
Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-
Quahtxtt. Valce.
Articled a.nh Coon tries »kom which lxrorrRD.
1 £*30-37. 1937-38. 1038-39. 1930-37. 1937-38. ! 1938-33.
Re. Re. Re.
Br S.uus«: Vessels— cohcII.
MitctU'i ntou*—con td.
India . * Pkge. W 128 78 211 638 t65
Charcoal —
India . 8S9 791 787 2,082 1,792 1.931
I'l-miita Gulf . Not. 315 83*
Waste jopen—
Indie 31 122 17 971 3,025 C47
Jjollara— i
Indie 4 6///J
India . 1 1,830
Motor Cars— ;
Indie Xoa. c 2 1,»)
Empty < 'usr-s— :
iVrniari Gulf . *. Pkgs. 200 ■ 78 630 519
Aden w US 1,346 1.486 i 5,798
I ndia . n i 191 35 1.857 i 2,028 ! 129
Sail— »• * ;
IVrNian Gulf . 6 155 321 : 403 3*73
Articles r.ot specified .»bo\ 2, !
India 1,562 4,436 1.971 29.126 64,010 I 30,793
Persia (Iran) . rt 193 - 20 2 404 - 126 : 91
Persian Gulf . 466 | 919 365 8,213 : 2,608 : 10..-57
Otlr.r Countries 6,213 ! 2,808 1,111 21.009 . 15,107 | 20.254
Total bt Sjuulna Vessels ; 18.08.8S2 ' 15,48,410 20.36.161
! I
TABLE No. 2-A.
Total Export during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39.
COCSTUIES. 1936-37. 1937-38. 1938-39.
Re. Re. Re.
Indie 16.34.070 16,43.240 16,71,210
Germany . 1,36,915 2,08.469 2,79,85*
Ceylon . 8,14,217 9,17.785 7,30,647
Africa . 69,261 60,593 76,083
Singapore . 10.441 17,694 260
Chine 28.318 37,419 26,180
Aden 1,05,958 67,472 2,71,751
United Kingdom 7.045 142J70 19,000
United .State* 5.208 20.S34 3,379
Reraie (Iran) 17.010 10,750 31,679
I'crsi&n Gulf 3,89.662 2,46.179 1.36,422
Iraq 8,307 12,491 77,453
Other Countries 25,239 31,719 7,847
Total 32,51,741 32,99^)15 33.31,93*