Page 408 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 408
TABLE No. 2-C—conlJ.
Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1336-37, 1S37-38 and 1938-39—
OraNTiTY. i Vaut_
Articles AND COUNTRIES to » men extorted. : I
1'336-37. 1937-3*. i03s.:««. i'i:i7-:ts. iSKSMt#
i i i
: i Ha. Ha. Km.
I i
Bv Steamers—ooaeftf. !
JJlttJmiOH* —contd.
Wool— 5,0 n ' i
India Iklli 57 30 I 3S * 5,327 2^04
Persian Gulf . . Pigs. 3 ' 150 7-7
Iraq .... 25 1.525 t
Iraq .... Raps 290 !
Wheat Fl>ur—
Persian Gnlf . •t 40 410 I
lYtroiuax Lamps— i
Persian Gulf . . Cases 3 \ 1«»
Articles mt >pctificd a love— !
India .... . Pips. 130 1.1!** :t. i~t 2/.C5
Persian Gulf . •> : IV. 7«r» , ■l'fl
Iraq .... 2 7'-l ."15 2.««5
Other Coen tries 4 67i Mill
I :
Total Extoet et Steaxers 21.92.41*7 2K.05.I5I 27.*.*2/.7l
i ; I
Bt Faxing Vessels.
I 1 ! !
i i
Ctnnlt. i
Kice— :
Aden . . Tons • i 1 i - K5
India . . 17 I 172 1,42*3 . 140 IV'TI
Other Countries 6 J 440
Fit fit*. I
fish, dry and salted— i
India . . . Pigs. 109 274 l(3h>a 1.330 • 13.3M S3jf37
Colombo 5,597 1,725 ,17,495 . 23.707
IVruaxGnlf . 31 1*0 j
Fardine, dry— M * .
India . * . 25,703 24,552 I 40,72* 7G,*3% \ 54.595* , 1.20.217
Cattles— W f
India . »• 117 327 107 19H ; ISO
Fish boots—
India . . 810 1,548 2,131 1.317 ! 2.593 j I**
Fish Oil— ft
India . . Tins 1,490 551 1 3.MJ on
Fish Msnare—
India . I*g*. 2,315 ; 2.991
Fhark Feu— !
China . 30 12K
India . . 3,407
Cowrie*— H 429
India. . 2*»7
Prawn*— ft 54 20 3S 237 147
Africa . 31
India . CIO
•t 20 2! 029 50 ;