Page 409 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 409
TABLE No. 2-C—contd.
Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 193€-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39—
(^rANTirr. Value.
AUTICl.Cf AND Cuf.NTKir.S TO WHICH EXIiaTKD. j-------------
! I I i
H<30*37. 1037*38. r.».;8*30. 1030*37. 10.17*38. ; 1038*39.
: _!_
f . i Ra. , Ha. ! Ha.
Bv .Saimno Vtssns* i
i :
F rvit*—coni' :
: ; I
Hates, dry— i :
India . . Tons 2,029 2,213 81.1 2,.is,320 1,90.330 ; 1,01.070
Hates, — i ! I
Afrira • i 72H 022 1.327 | 11.172 18,207 1 23,879
India . 300 ; 177 170 , 18,030 / G..18I j 12,714
Aden 4*81 1.037 1,020 10,14.1 >• 24,000 j 30,342
Persian rSulf . ! 1,178 ; 1,007 1,020 ; 21,370*" 32.831 I 21,10*1
IVoii ... ®| .. 390 :
Olli'T ^"untriw 8 109
I’nlllf-ir.llUtiU— I
Indin f.'rates - 1.17 27 I ! C(*0 1,124
Africa . 4 : i 10 I
Limes, dry and Fresh— I
Iraq T-'ns ! 30 j 299 • 500 . 5,302 J 24,301
IVrsian (Saif . 15 i !V * 102 1,001 I 2.131 ; 13,139
Persia . 21 : 21 120; 5,015 7.2S.1 30,205
India i so !
l)at«* Juiti— « I
India ... TIiw • ' 50 I CO
Aden 82’ 1.002 GI4 157 815 754
Persian Gulf . ! 51 1 639 400 : 709 703
Other C/U!iirlc8 i 11C 281 02 i ? 155 319 03
•Sueur Ijoaf—
Persian Half 333 2,400
India 172 1,849
Suyar Jfoft— 2,408
India Tons 43 13 4,370
Sugar Candy —
Aden 20
Kerosene <>il—
Persian Half Calls. 1,600 700
Indin 8 20
Tobacco— 26,614
Persian Gulf Cases i 660 392 902 19.895 2,124
Africa . 18 142
Colton Go<«ls— 18 1.240
Africa . Pisa. 9 620 1,180
Aden 3 2,440
Persian Gulf 44 250 3,375
India . 2 2 56 » 250 350 1.100
Persia . 12 C 100
Iraq I
Haw Gotten— 25 10 2,184 1,025
Persian Gulf «S*. 1,063 88,570 23,330
ludia . I 1,918 2 24 250 2,486
Inwi •*
Wool— 75 15,045 12,750 8,114
India . ! 170 171