Page 405 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 405

                                      TABLE No. 2-B—conti.

              Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1936-37,1937-38 and 1938-39—cortl.
                                                      193G-37.    1937-38.   1938-39.

                         Br Sailng Vessels.             Rs.        Rs.        Ks.
         Kicc •                                         1,445                 14.011
         Kish, dry and srJted                          1,19,011    37//0      23.297
         Surdinc, fry                                   70,8.78    54,5b9    1,20.217
         Cattles                                          198        906        130
         Kish booes .                                   1*317       2J95       1*^07
         Fish Oil .                                                 3,815       C(rS
         Fish Manure                                    2,991
         Shark Fins                                      1,210                 3,107
         Cowries                                          237                   287
         Prawns                                          1,209        50
         I)at'-t\ dry .                                2,58,320   1,90.330   1,61,070
         Dates, wei .                                   70,029                84,209
         I’omeprj.n »!«■«                                GI6        1.124
         Limes, dry and frv.-h                          8,076      14.S5S    6,77,665
         Date juice .                                    3*4        1,933      1,515
         Su;*ar. L/-af                                  2.400                  1,849
         Su;*ar. Soil                                               4,370      2.41/8
         Su-zar Candy                                     20
         Kc-rosin- Oil                                               700         20
         TobacvO                                        20,037      2,124     20,614

         Cotton (Jr—ds                                  3,835        COO       6,895
         llav Cotton                                    88,570      2.434     26,917
         Wool                                           15,045     12,750      8,114

         Coal ...                                         28
         Sandal Wood                                     294                    700        ;
         Goat Hair .                                    8,044      19.190     10,059
         Goat Skins                                     1,490       1.799       G64
         Mats and Mat bags                              6,901       5.797      7,987
         Building materials                             7,750       4347
         Ghee ....                                      5.940       5,495       758
         Firewood                                      39,709      17360      25,679
         Animal Bones                                                          2.111
         Date sticks                                    1,619                  8,409
         Henna Loaves                                    401                    535
         Artick-s not specified above                  14,486                 11,901
                         Total Exrow by Sauus Vessel*  7,49.144  4W84        6,29,368
   400   401   402   403   404   405   406   407   408   409   410