Page 443 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 443

        Return of Shipping of Britiih Nationality which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade on the port
                                     during the year 1339-40.
                                            Steam Vessel*.
                            Laii.ued.                             ('UlUK.
                  With Caioo.  IS UiLLAtT.  Total       WITH CiliM.  li Hiu»t  Total
          Corsrum                             Coevrar*. to
        WllUlUHUIli                           wuica uxared.
                  No.       N.._     'S                 Xo        No       •TV-
                  vi  T</tiucc.  V. of  Tonnape Vw-  Toaropr.  Vw  Tonnar-.  V.•-  T^r.nagr.  V<v  Tonnage.
                            *«       kL‘.                         K
        Ii.dia     S3  irj.Aio       S3  171.840  PtXriili Gulf  S3  it-».*w  St  173X40
        Tinian Gulf .  62  144,031    52  166,031  India  52  100,011      S3  KS..G31

           Total .  105  3:0,i71     105  310.-71  T/tSL .  a os  33o,*n   103  :«30,b71

                                       Sailing Vessels.
        India      GS  7,*30  &  750  74   8.5*0 India   51  S.3^  24  2,238  75  8,556
                                              Iran       1     10           1    30

           Total   08  7,*36  e  750  76  8.5-J6  Total  52  •r.^43  £4  2X38  76  8,586

       Return of Shipping of All Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade on the port
                                      during the year 1939-40.
                                        Steam Vessels.
                           Entered.                                Cllaxto.

                  With Caa&o.  Is Ballast.  Total       With Caju&o.  Li Ballast.  Total
         Nationautt                           Natiosalitt
                                               or vts&tis.
         or vibbELS.
                  No.      No.      No.                No        No       Xo.
                  of       x«  Tonnage  of  Tonnage.       Tnnntp  of  Tonnage.  Tonnage.
                  V sr  Tronagc.  fdi.  V X £          To-       Vr*-     Ver-
       Britlfb    105  339X71        105  339,871  Briti«b .  105  333^71  105  339X71
                                              German .   4                     30,549
       Occnai .              4  30,549  4  30X49            3050            4
                   14  78.797        14  78.797  Japanese         14  78,797  14  78,797
           TOTAL -  119  418.CC6  4  30.549  L23  449X17  Total  109  371b, 420  14  78,797  133  449.317

                                       Sailing Vessels.
                                     74                 82   «X4«  21  2X38  78  8,588
       Ltitiab    68   7X36  8   750     8XM BrttiA .
       Other XaUocaII-  40  2.509    40   2X08  Otbar Xattonali*  33  XXM  7  600  48  2X09
           TOTAL  108  10,345  9  750  116  11.095  Total  85  «,S7  31  2,738  118  11,095
   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446   447   448