Page 441 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 441

                                     TABLE No. 2-C—confi.
        Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during tie years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40

                                                Qi-Asnn.               V*ux
           Auma.»> am* G-gktkies x«» wuico nxi-uKir.u.
                                          1937-38.  1938-39.  1039-4U.  1937-38.  1938-39.  1939-4U.
                                                                 Ha.    Ba.
                11 v S.tiUNf; Vessels—cent4.
         Dates * at-—
          Africa -                   Toni    922   1.127    711  18.297  23.379  4.316
          Indie -                            177    170   1.711   6,581  12,714  15.439
          Adi-9 -                           1,937  l.W«   2J,Y1   34,»«l  36.142  7.652
          1’i-rtun Gulf                     1,097  1.(20  G.055  32.831  21.103  15.333
          Iran .                              35                   590
          Other countries -           • t             S      5            169    330
          Indu -                    Crate*    27             4    1,124           16
         Li cu t. dry and frvtl—
          Iraq -                    Pkgs      30    290     277  5,302  2UG1    9,016
          Perdura Gulf                        10    lu2     313   2,131  13.139  15,460
          Iran                                21    ia:»    457   7.2S5  30*65  30,867
          IndL, .                              1             4     SO            250
         Date-, Juace—
          India .                    Tin*            5C                   60
          Ad«u .                            1,002   Cl 4          815     754
          I’cniui Gulf                to     Go 5   49*6          799     708
          Oiler countries .                  281     S'2          319     93
          Iocia                      Pkp.           172                  1349
         Sugar toll—
          India .   .                Tons     41     £3          4,370   2.408
         Kerurt-nie Oil—
          Pi-rsLan Gull .          . Gaik.  l.GOi                 700
          India                                       8                   20
          Persian Gull .             Pk*»-   392    902    (22   2,124  26.614  19,983
          India .   •                Tina    4<0      G   1,764  5,217    95   28,185
          iVriian Gull .                      24     «6     (4    278    521     425
          Africa .                                    9                  142
         Cotu-c Good*—
          Africa .                                   18                  1.240
          Aden                                        9
          P<r«uanGulf .                                     11                  1.05#
          India                                2     57           250   3J75
          Iran .                               6      ft          350
          Other countries                                        • •             150
         Taut—                                                                   220
          Aden                        •*                     1
         Rt» eexton—
          PmuanGulf .                         25     10      6   2.184   1.025   40
          India .   .                 ftft         1/J63   3924         23336  80,38ft
          Iraq                        •f       2     24      1    250
                                                                              ft A
   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446