Page 440 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 440


                                          TABLE No. 2-C—ccniL
             PrincipJ Articles and Countrie* to which exported during the years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1933-40
                                                    Quantity.             Value.
               Ahikils and Co«txtbih to wmen extorted.
                                               1037-3H.  193H-39.  11)39-4'r.  1937*3?.  I!t3*.:i9.  rj.TM.if

                                                                     IU      K*.    H*.
                        Br Steameb*—condi.
                        Uiect lla nr o*»—contd.
              IVraiaoGalf                 Pkg*.                  M                    170
              India .   .                                        52                   330
              Pcrd-an Gulf .   .                                 IS                  1,150
              India ....                  ft                     43                  4,255
             Article* nvt •pcci&ed above—
              India ....                  *»                          1,172  2,005    S75
              Persian Gulf                M                            7/1    3* Hi   1.S72
              Iraq ....                   n                            515   2,033    *J 25
             Other cooatrica              n                            G75   *,614    32“
                    Total Ex roar ar Steamers.                      28,05,131  27,02.571  27,40,019
                       Br iinno Vessels.
              Aden •   •   .             Tom       1
              lru\i* ...                           1     172           lto   13.571
              Other cvuntriie* .          99              6                   110
             Pub, dry k called—
              India .                    Pkg».    274   1,338   131  13.3*3  23,297  2,320
              Ceylou                             1,725         3,264  23.7*/7       43,205
             Sardine, dit—
              India .                           24,552  40,726  29/,73  54,559  1.30.217
             Cattle*—                                                              1.12,115
              India . • .                 *■      327    107    5      906    130    M83
             Fiih Boot*—
              India .                            1/48   2,131  4,408  2^»    1.207   7,719
             Fiih Oil—
              India .   .                Tina    1,490   551    233   3.815   608
              Ceylon                                            so*>                 1,«W
              PeViixa Golf                M                      14                  2,000
             Fiah Manure—                 i*                                          264
              Aden                     . Pkg».          • •    2,421
             *hark FL                                                                3,703
              India                                      429    184          3,407
             Cowrie i                                                               4,190
              India .                             20      38
             Prawn*—                      ft                     34    147    267     2*J
              India •                              2    • •      ft     SO            194
             Date*, dry—
              India .                    Torn    2,243   815   1,020  1,96,330  1.61J07O  i.99,318
   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445