Page 436 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 436

                                         TABLE No. 2-R—confd.

                Total Exports of Principal Articles during the years 1937-38, 1933-39 and 1939-40—contd.
                                                         1937-33.   1938.39.    1939-10.
                                                           R*.        1U.        IU.
                           Br Steamers—contd.
                        Precious Slones, Geld and Sileer.
                                                           GfsSO      89,500     09,000
             CoH                                           3.300      25,200     7,900
             Silver                                       1,03.1-0  2,81,270    3,(0,800
             M.T. Dolka                                    99,00*0    49,450     39,500
             Spo-ic (knot)
             Cotton                                        10,.V<3    4.723      2,060
             Cotton goods                                  77,010     32,bOO     20,700
                           Medicines and Drug's.
             Medic incs                                                555        1,218
             Cost skins.   •   •                           67.0S4     78,795     41.437
             Goat Hair ...                                 37,443     9,152
             Mattings   .   •   •                         29.944      22,320     32,309
             Hcui leaves                                   3.354
             Gars ....                                                 328
             Empty dram .   .                                         3,117      2,558
             Empty cylinders                                            20        225
             Empty tins .   •                                          550
             WoJ                                           32127      2,304      12,845
             Tea .                                          150         75       I,bO0
             Petr-xnax lamps .                                         100
             Starch   •  J}   •                                                    170
             Pulse ...                                                            556
             Matches   •  •   .
             Articles not speeified above                  5,392     13,014
                                 Total Expoet bt Steaxebs  28,05,131  27,02,571  27,10,049

                          Bt Saturn Vessels.
             Bice                                           225      14,011      • •
             Fish, dry and salted                         37,090     23,297      50,531
             Sardine, dry                                 54,509    1,20,217    1,12.11*
             Cattles                                        908        130       1.383
             Fub tones .                                   2,395      1,207      7.710
             FUb til .                                     3,815       608       4,148
             Fish nanure •                                                       5,703         i
             Shark Fins   •                                           3,407      4,190
             Cowries •   •                                             287        280
             Prawis                                          50       • •         194
   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441