Page 434 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 434
TABLE No. 1-C—cwicM.
Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1937-38, 1938-39 aud 1939-40
—cone Id.
Qiwstitv. Valve.
.*.1 JH l.r> AND OitMUILf* »K«»M WHICH I.VU*KTEI».
J937-3K. I93S..19. 1931MO. I'.CI'.Mn.
K-. 11*. K*.
Hr .Sailiso Ve.<sixj»—com:M.
M i«c*.Hi*rou«—*ouX>l.
India . I'kfia. 4.71 409 3.',7 0.544 0,333 .7,187
I -jhi.ii <Julf ft 31 V»*" *3 2,110
]Vr«inu <*nlf . 12,742 7.402
r ««uuilri<*8 4(i! 0,194
India . 26,17* 8,167
Isidin . . 12S 7> 2.7-7 OT.H SOG 2,293
r. .r»i>al—
India . 7'.*l 7a7 1.430 1,71*2 1.1*31 3,5 s 4
IVr-i'in (i'jlf . Xn„ 31.7 27 b:w is-*
V:* iflt [m|4 r—
India Pkp.H. 122 17 .1,1*35 017
L’niUil Kiuj-duu# 242
Iii'lia . . 4 o,o<»o
’!•« Iiiui-n*—
India . . »• l 1/1.7*»
^ i Vivian C-Jf.. It 12 I7*>
?*ir c.irt —
India . Nos. 2 7 1,340 2.97'*
I’< rsiun G alf . 6 3.235
Hr-ply ft
iViviau Gnjlf . Ffcjw. 78 .711#
Aden 1.346 .7,703
India . 1* 1U4 .3.7 2,028 120
lYrviun C^lf . 6 153 463 3,273
Iran »» 776 12,023
Uoilol Stat« 18 64*
ftuidal wood—
India . ft 10 661
Aden . 16 241
Adi-n . , r> 4 45
Africa . H 581
Ijidia . 4,924# IU/J.X#
Persian Gdf . 4 «
India . No*. 11 715
India .... Pkg» 64 1.449
Persian Gulf ... 1 25
Persian Golf . 2.437 3,244
,\*ti»4oh not »fitcificd above— ft
India .... 04,040 30.793 17,954
Ir«n .... J26 91 1,766
Jvr>ian GtJf . 2.0*8 10,957 2,336
OtUr io«ntrie* 15,107 20,254 4,693
Total bt Sailing Ve^zx* . 15,48,410 20,36.161 21,04.677