Page 430 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 430

                                        TABLE No. 1-C—conld.
           Principal Article* and Countries from which imported during the years 1937-38, 1938-38 and 1939-40
                                             —c ontd.
                                                  <Ji.#aktitt.         Valve.
            Reticles and ConcTRiE* ieo.m Witten imhirtep.
                                            Hl37.UK.  IU3S.X*.    1937-38.      I93M'
                                                                   It*.          U-.
                     Ur Stcamcl*  :ontH.
           fcmid il-wood—
             h.dia .   .               link*    61     24           3.S93  !«3*S  1,740
             Irdia                             151     11*7   h2    3/54   nu»i3  2,10*
              5;v and watches—
              1U1 rland .             P.w«h                    3                   93S
             India                              14     20     23     4t*»   600    520
             Japan .                            62             I    2997           243
                                       I5nj.«  2G.M.C-,  36,530  H.t  31/, 75  3-110  27.7*.4
             Other'-ountrics                                 221                  i.409
                                       Ca-cs   239                  8.621
             G. many                             7                  1.624
           U'idiu Kl.«—
             United Kingdom .                   22     35     »•    6.1 *6  ►-.-90  7.647
            O* many                                     C                   642
             H*                  r*                    35                  S.75S
             Unit'd States                                     :i                  23U
             All (‘•uiitrics .                  W7    2J7     28  5.77,4  3,1 V.OuO  2J/200
           KUnrit g<«d»—
             India                                            20
             United Kingdom .                                  h                   557
           Cut W ry—
             India .                                          85                 13.411
            Gt rmany                                           5                   45*1
            Jap.Q .                                            6                   3>S
           Gramophones—                 rt
             United Kingdom .                                 12                  3,534
           Gramophone accessories—
             United Kingdom .                                  3                   534
            India                                             2C                   *40
             Other countries                                   4                   271
            GtpniDy                                            2                   510
           ArtiHes not specified abor   r*
             United Kingdom .                                             45.779  1/177
             India                                                 48.186  6*j»5  42.011
             Iran                                                  2571    2.149   3*3
             Japan ...                                                      810   1,154
             Sweden                                                 1/23    858   1.113
             Other countries                                       lift 38  21/146  <597
                     Total bt Sttaxcbs .                         2<J,1K6H5  28.4Ut.032  23.45.088
                     Br Eulikc Vessels.
             India .                   Tons   8,209   1,674  10,931  9,3*1,828  13,87.003  HJOjWt
             Persian Gulf .             *»      79     1GC    36   9/79   14.908  8.447
             O'ber countries            **                     1                   120
   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435