Page 435 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 435


                                       TABLE No. 2-A.
                      Total Exports during the years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40.
                         CoCNTJUES.                  1937.38.    1938.39.  liyz'j’.'h

                                                       It*.       Hi.        lit.
         'India                                      10,4.7,2111   16.71.210   2o/imo
         ik-ji.tuny                                  2,08.469   2.79,858     04.»:;3
         l«j Ion                                     1I.I7.7V7   7,30.017   IMeLUO
         Afrita                                       *o.5*j3    70,0*3      27 r,:,\
         Sir-cnjiotv .                                 17,694      NO
         China                                        .17,4 111   20,1 K0    2K.|ir#                                        37,472    2,71,751    1^1.175
         l'c i’m! Kmj'l'tni                            1U7*»      ID,000     2J>J
         t’ritwl Stui.-s                              2".>34      3.379
         |V rsin (Inri)                                1",7.V»   31,079      05.235
         I’.T'iun Culf                               2,40.I7!»   1,36,422
         In'| .                                        12,4‘.i|   77.453     :HV*78
         onlu-i <«-w:trio*                            31,710      7.H47
                                          T<t*l      32,«I.')I3  XUI.U3H   34.55,7‘W

                                       TAELE No. 2-a
             Total Exports of Principal Articles during the years 1537-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40.

                                                     l'J37-3S.  11*38-39.  192:1. P).

                                                      Ra.        K*.        Hi.
                         By Srr.otEES.
        .Sardine. dry                                2.61,092   3,25,621   U0.4$V>
        Finb. dry and baited                         9.02.7*8   7,51.438   */y:.07S
        Suurk fin* .                                  32.594     20,79o     25.4'*>
        Mnlbt r of Pearl*                             22,830     15,100      2,45*1
        Fisb Maw* .                                    5,225      3,000      6,165
        t'-ouTic*                                       100        1(10
        Prawns                                          400        95        3.20->
        I'lbb Meal .                                                         4.170

        Odn, <1*7 •   •                              8.02.918   7,18.106   *29.240
        Unite, *H .                                  U9.9I5     1,71,650   1.56,513
        pomegranate*                                  23.274 •   31,744     27,012
        Lime-*, dry mod bwfc                          21.122     47,550     7UM
        Sugar                                                                2.000
        Muivllaotoua Provision*                                              1.254
        tlbte ....                                      920                 'V.220
   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440