Page 432 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 432


                                         TABLE No. UC-tonll
             Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1937^38, 1938-39 and 1939-40
                                                —con id.

                                                    Quantity.             Valcc.
              Articles and Countries raoa which ijci outed.
                                              1937-38.  1938-59.  1113910.  1937-38.  I!i:iv39.  1939-f/g
                    IlY .Sailing Vessels—could.                      11s.   IU.    Its.
             MUiellancoas Provisions—
              India .   •   •            l’kgs-  1,779   49     G1   23,133  1,319  1.143
              _ Persian Coll .   •                 4                  406
              Africa ...                  ft     8?9    470    TOO   3.332   2,350  MSI
              India ...                            7      3     24     536    33     11*3
              Persian Gulf .              w              10     193           122   i,*a
              India ...                   »*     2*5    170          3,910   2^-4 2
              Unite.<i States             r»                   137                  1,956
             Tinned ProvL-ion—
              India .   .   .                     28                   728
              Singapore                                         34                   071
              India                              fcS    211    270   4,013   1.510  4,05*3
              lVr-i.iJi Gulf .                            1                    O
             Vegetable Products—
              India ...                                        403                  5,117
             Kerosene Oil—
              Iran                     . Galls.  4,000          79   2,234   1,343   a»
             FWi Oil—
              Aden   •  .                Tins   1,2H   5,347  3,016  4,046  13,11*5  12.6a.
              India   .  .                                9                   75
             OU of all Linds—
              India                             9,970  24,75-1  3,W8  28,083  43,11*  37.C5J
              Persian Gulf .              M                     22                   110
              Other countries                    124    244     32    299    421     144
             Sweet Oil—
              India •                    Pkgs.   374                 13,030
              Africa   •   •              ft      5                    42
                     PainU, Dytt and CJvurt.
              India                               03      8     13    763    139     239
              India .                             11      6           339     93
              Aden                        99             14      3           1,073   239
             Cotton goods—
              India .   •                 99     140    221    174   22,208  22,141  27,542
              Peoian Gulf .               99     244     90    197   18,140  12,023  18,192
              Africa .                    ft       1                  200
              Other countries             ft                     8                 2,186
             Taint and Yarns—
              India .   .                 ft      62     83     40   7,023  2,797  2,578
              Persian Gulf .              ft                    11                   545
             Woollen good*—;
              Italy -                     •»                    24                 2,630
             Sail doth—
              India .   .                 r»      22     86    117   1,669  4,635  0,128
              Persian Golf ,              ft              2     33            20   6,938
           • Gunny bags—
              India •   •                 ft    1,182  1,039   968   30,096  32,451  29,496
              Other countries             ft              9                  302
   427   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437