Page 428 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 428

                                         TABLE No. 1-C—cont<L
            Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1937-38, 1938—39 and 19j9-40
                                                   QrAMirr.               Vaut.
             AwnccE* ami Cotxtiue!* rn«M which iMroiiTcn.
                                              1037*38.  193S-.T".  iu:w*o.  1037..7S.  itims-ny.  !!•:»!MO. §

                                                                    R«.    IS*.    lit.
                       Ur .Steam cbs—ronld.
                T‘J/OCCO and      —centd.
              India. .                  Ca.«*     17    31      37   3.--S2  330    1.090
              l*ni*r»3 Kingdom .         W        47    >7      *2  17, MO  25,302  28,720
              lYrrian Gulf .                             2
            Cij-MMic j) ijxr—            f*
              Fravtr .                            12            10   2,' -01       2,032
              IVrrUsi Culf .             n        5             2     >-"»7          107
              Other Countries                    27                  1,3:38
                      'S'J! 'tnd Sil'i. r-vurt.
            .lari (Gr.C'l lhrva«rj—
              I lid.4   .              . l'-irul*  2G7  2.71   200  23,' *95  2(U02  23,332
              India                      W                      1                    2G4
              IVr-iia Gulf .                                                         34
                     V-Jii'lf* ohd
            Motor ii.rj
              India                     No*.             2      4           2,103  0,3 a l
              OtL-r Country -f                    2                  6,103
            M Qtnr a c-» vrsorics—
              India                     l»kr-    02     120     67   6,0*03  11,244  4,031
              Pcrruri Gulf .                                    •TJ                  783
              I'nhoJ .Staler                     18             40   2,'*-39       3.140
              Japin                               1      7      27    100    471   2.048
              Otbtr Countries                            4      29           762   4,024
            Photographic goo.1s—
              India .   .   .                                   14                   239
              United Kingduea .                          5      4            470    282
              G ernaajr   .   .          W9                     a                   b03
              Japan .                            260    287    330  12,0’00  17,233  23,423
              Otlxr Countrie*                            14     14           882   1.OU0
              India ...                  n              103     15  14.174  *.979   1.080
              OertLaoy                                   5           1,749   2X3     GO
              Unit'd Kingdom .           *•                     5                    448
              Other Countries                           20      2           2,520    J03
              Swedes   .   .                                    2*                 5,732
              Other Countrie* ,          99                                         398
            Wahle-paper—                 99
              United Kingdom .                          71     35           1.725  2,475
            Cum l>n-arain—               99
              .Singapore                                42     149          2.464  9.502
              United Kingdom .                                  1
              India .                                    II    45            415
              Ciena* ny   .   ,                   13     7
                                         99                     12   1,977  1.373
              Other Countrie*                     19
                                         99                     15    2»XI
   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432   433