Page 426 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 426
TABLE 1-C—contd.
Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40
—con id.
Quantity. Value.
AkTinci and Countries iion which i>trn»m:ti.
1937.38. may-4". 19.T7.3S. 19:0.40.
IO.. Its. K-.
Br Steam tas—con id.
Frorisiont—eo ntd.
How Water—
Iraq . I’kjrs. 124 638
Iran . . 121 6s 114 1,417 2.17.*, 932
India . . Tin* 7 30 3 114 4 SO 111
IVrriaa Gull . I* 4 05
Ground bat*—
India . Has, 111 HCi 117 2,110 .vjr, 1,«im2
ll’iacs and .Spirit*.
Win' .* aid Spirit)
India . Ca«l 10 200
I’niscd Kingdom 3!IH 344 I. 7,700 K74S
Germany 03 II, -702 2,0*11
France . 202 V» 7,088 2.010
Holland 25 S25
Othirr Count riw 7 210
Fish oil—
Japan . . Galls. 1,701 2,818
KlTOseTit Oil—
Iran . »• 14,227 109.5OI 101.996 31,422 .711,038 .74,873
Iran 1»0,M4 25,200 27,0*«0 1,.7-7,.>| 1 10,300 20,844
Vegetable Oil-
Japan . 775 12,718
Lubric-atrut 03—
Iran . . 1.U50 4,400 J .806 1,1»>4 7,230 6.715
Germany . • • <7.7 4.043 1.680 2,660 7,506 6,703
India . «8 1,287
Paints, Colour- and Dyts.
Dry Won—
India . Cue* 77 58 r,7 7,710 4,545 5*174
Iraq ■». 10 3JW7
Warms— • I
Adea . 46 32 32 M.708 8,359 7,102
India . 34 « 3,389 4U0
Other Countries M •• 4 35 133 610
il*dieimt* awi bmgt.
India . Pkps. * 217 117 216 5.7*1 2,b38 6,224
Persia . 9 145 7X7 7,20*
Persian Gulf . . 32 260 1.174 1,091
Opium.— W
Persia . Lbs. 6 16 62 1,589 522 1,620
Adea . . Pkg. 11 20 679 1^4
India . . 119 21 7.1 50 1,282
Persia . 44 1.158
Other Countries M 1 17 2-76 430
HospitaJ Store M
Japan . *, I 115
United Kingdom - 3
ii 770