Page 421 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 421

                                    TABLE No. 1-B—conld.
               Imports of Principal Articles daring the years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40—could.

                                                     1937-3*.   1938-39.   1939-40.
                                                      Ha.         Ra.        Ha.
                      IIy Steamers—could.
        Vegetables .                                   r,/&       4.922      2,230
        S|ii«n                                        12,700     47,532      85,500
        Vicdalilfr pr«*ducta                                                 4,873
        KafTron                                         794        915        309, frcuh                                  2*22
        Fruit, dry .                                   1.230       797        4,079
        Tinned Proviriun*                              6,W0       7,08*3     1L.U71
        Vermicelli .                                               600        1,032
        St Arch                                                                348
        l!»»=-o water                                  1,447      2,813        932
        Che* .                                          114        031         111
        Groundnuts                                     2,110       696        1,002
                        Ifi/rca and Spirit*. and *j»aitB                            34,390       200      . 21,008
        FL-h oil                                                  2,818
        Kw<*cnc oil                                   31.422     59,038      34,873
        Petrol                                       ] .55.541   19,300      20.844
        Vrfitalile oil                                 12.718
        Lubricating <«H                                5^51      14,736      13,418
                     Paint*, Colours and Dy<*.
        1 >rv colour                                   7,710      4V545      8,671
        Warn                                          10.708      8,359      7,102
        Paint a                                                   3,522      1.010
                      Jlidicint* and Drug*.
        Medicines .                                    7.GS9      4.527      12,432
        Ojiitnn                                        L5s9        522       1.820
        Attsri                                         9^43       1,712      1.224
        IloFpital Stores                                                      885
                       Ttxiilt Fabric*.
        Cotton piccc-oodfl                           6,76.428   10.57.270  6,16,474
        Woollen good#                                 17.1*4     15,935      26.142
        SOU good* .                                   54^4       28,388      544178
        Silk new                                       52446     32*41
        Artificial silk gooda                          3.758     13,565      4.417
        Hosiery                                                    356       5,600
        Twist and j-arn .                             7*,777    1,03.088     77.484
        Halc-rdauhcry                                 11.418     68.084
        (8d clothing .                                 2,666      4.144       200
        Sailcloth .                                                270
        Carpets                                        1.719      2.211      4.676
        Gunny bags                                    17,038     27.836 — •   21.269
        Hemp                                                       747       2,483
        Twine                                         1L992        333       1.863
          X1I-15                                                               2
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