Page 419 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 419


         Employment.—During the summer months there   town government. However in spite of these dit-
       is no unemployment as every man, woman uud   advantages the Municipality have succeeded in
       child that can leave Muscat and Mat rah goes to   improving tLc sanitary condition of the towns of
       work in the date gardens in the Batinah. During   Muscat and Matrah.
       the remainder of the year there is very little unem­
       ployment and for the East very few beggars.  A providential fire destroyed the insanitary
                                              market ounsidc the Bab A1 Saghir (Small Gate) and
        Public health.—The road® in the towns of Muscat   the Municipality have very wisely refused to permit
       and Matrah arc kept clcau and the Sultan hns under   of its being rebuilt. They have erected two rows
       consideration the introduction of a Public Health   of concrete shops and a semicircular market for the
       "Department which will probably start functioning   sale of vegetables at a little diitancc from the JBab
       next year. This Department will be responsible   Ai Saghir.
       for the sanitation of the towns and will make a
       determined effort to eliminate malaria from Muscat
       town.                                                T. UiCKtXDOTHAii, Major,
         Municijxility.—The Municipal Committee are yet   Political Agent <£* H. B. M.'m ConawZ,
       young iu experience and the Municipal President
       moves -lowly having had no previous experience in                      Muscat

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