Page 416 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 416


                            Legislation.                           Population.
                The Government is autocratic. The heads of   No regular census of the poptd jtion of Muscat and
              v srious Stitt* Dcjortmeiits carry out their adminis-   Mntrah has !ki-u Uk.n hut a rough computation
              ’.’•itive dulics under the orders of Ilis Highness t!ie   fixes the figures at I;/A) aud &,W) rcsjcdively.
              Milan uud the Walis (or Governor.*) in charge of
              districts are directly responsible to Liin.  In Muse it there ire 200 British Indian subjects
                                                    and 1,003 ic Mat rah. There are small colonies of
                Civil and Crimki.t] Courts arc presided over by   Biiti-h Indira subject* in the more important towr-*
              'Jidliirf. Cases against British subjects are tried in   on the Coast, the largest colony being at the bui
              ibe Agency Court in accordance with the Indian   j»ort of Sur vhvre there are 7G jvrsons.
              Lriniiual Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code.
                                                      The principal .St*ar:is!iip Lines wliich called at
                Customs duties on imports during the greater   Muscat and Mat rah during the year under report
              ]-«n of tb* 3’ear ur-dcr report were levied at the   were as follors : —
     of 5 }>er cent. <vl valor* m on foodstuffs aud
              _• neral t.rrcbandne, 10 per cent, on certain goo*Is   1.  The B:ii-di Iudia Steam Navigation Company,
              f l«>«ified a* coining under the category of " luxuries ”   Limited.
              «r.d 20 per cent, on liquors.           2.  The Asiitic Steamship Company.
                15v a notification issued by His Highness the .Sul-   3.  The Unn.-.j LLe of Sicasn^rs until September
              t .ii on the 22nd February iiilQ the custom.-* duiks   1032.
              • 't vari-.tis artic’.s imported from abroad were   1. The Variability Steamship Company, Limited.
              !.tvieasod. The following are some of the rates of   5. The Mitsui Bbu>.:n Kaisha Line of Steamers.
              «i’jty charg«l :—
                                                      123 stonn-irs of .-.31 nationalities aggregating
                  1.  Wheat, rirr and TJ per cvui. id la'urun.
                     griins.                         •110,217 to.js entered and cleared these ports during
                  2. IYtr-l .  . S annas a tin of 4 gallons.  the year cudr?:.g the 31st of March 10*l!). Of these
                                                     a K»5 with i total gross tonnage of 332,.s71 were
                  3. Coifs* .  •  ”1 1*T cent, ad raloni*.  und-rthe Briri-h FLg, 4 vessels with a gruss tonnage
                  4. Tel       .  10 Jh.t cent, ad tabjTti*.  of 30,510, were under the German Flag, and 14
                                                     ves.-cls with a gross tonuege cf 7^,707 under tLe
                  5. Cotton picn^o >J« . 7| per ceut. ad rahran.  Japanese Fia*.
                  C. Silk and v<*;«lku 17] per cent, ad talorein.
                                                               Freight (Steamer).
                  7. Matches   . 121 per cent, ad val.rtt*.
                                                      Freights rdirsg during the year were as follows :—
                  8. Carpets .  . 17J per teat, ad xahritA.                                     I
                                                     1. To aod KijracLi from Mu&cat—
                  9. Mot sc  cars and 20 per c-ent. ad valoro*.
                     motor par.*.                      Dry date* in Lag6  . Re. 0-1 5-0 uj)lo the I3th .Sep-
                                                              1020 and thereafter
                 10. Opiva .    . 75 jvr cent, ad rahrtm.              Rs. I-3-O.
                                                       Wet dates in bag* . R6. 12-1-0 jat U n of 20 ev.-t».
                No duty is levied on goods exported from the           uplo tie 1.71k September 1030
              State but there is an octroi duty of 5 per cent, on      and tL-reafier it*. 15-8-0.
              produce from the Interior brought into the Coastal   Wet dates in case* . Rs. 12-4-0 per ton of 40 c.fu
              towns for sole or export.                                uplo lL* 15th Srjilciiiljtr 1939
                                                                       and thereafter Its. 15-8-0.
                In all districts subject to the Muscat Government’s   Dry fihh .  . No shipr-icnls sunt forward.
              authority tLe ancient Islamic tax known as “ Zakat ”   l'omegr.mir.cfc .  . R*. 1-3-0 per crate uplo the I5fb
              of 5 per cent, ad valorem is enforced on the principal   September 1939 and there­
              p oducts of the country, in this case limes, dates       after it*. 1-8-0.
              and firewood.                            Gallon, sovd, cotton No shipfecuts went forward,
                                                         piccegittr?*  iri'l
                A tax of one anna per package is charged on all   wuojlca j4t*cegooJ».
              merchandise in addition to the customs duties
                                                     2. To Colombo from Muk-aI—
              mentioned above. Receipts from this tax  arc
              credited to tLe Municipality.            Wet dates ia cabcfl . Rs. 24-4-0 per tta of 20 c»l«.
                                                                       uplo the l-5th September 1939
                TLe revenue derired from the Customs and the           und thtrvaftcr K*». 30-8-0.
              above taxes constitutes the main source of tL*:   Dry fish .  . XU. 28-0-4 per ten of 20 cuts,
                                                                       uplo the 1.5th September 1939
              tfUte’e income.
                                                                       and thtreuflcr Its. 35-0-0.
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