Page 417 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 417

                        By dhow.  By steamer.  The import of rice increased by R?. 2,87,910 due
      3. To Bombay from C»adur—              lo merchant.s' ortlerit^ extra supplies in view of the
        Article—                             disturbed political situation in Europe.
         Wet dute* in hag*    Bn. 13-8-0 per ton   The value of imports of textiles amounted to
                               of 2u cwt«. uplo
                               the 13th 8c|ilem*   Rs. 9,21,430 as against lb. 13,09,900 in 1938-39
                               Ur 103'J mul   being a decrease cf Rs. 1,15,304. The
                               It*. 10-8-0 there­  was due to surplus stocks from the previous y-ar
                                             and to the increase of prices in Japan after the out­
         Dry fi-b in buudh*   Its. 12-0-0 per ton of   break of the war.
                               20 cut*. upto the
                               13th September   Although Japan continued to be the chief supplier
                               1039 and there­  of textiles, cement and matches, us the follov'ing
                               after Its. 13-0-0.  tables show, India Las now come into competition
         Colton in bundle*    Its. 3-4-0 per Uiodle   and has acquired a substantial part of Japan's
                               uplo the   13th   trade in cement.
                               .September   1939
                               and   the readier
                               lie. 1-0-0.                Tactile Fabrics.
      1. To Karachi from C^adur—                                            1939-40.
         Wet ditto*   .  4 atmaa  Rh. 9-0-0 per ton of                  It*.  R*.
                      pur bundle   20 cute, uplo the   Iudia        .   3,39.719  2,49.390
                       of about   13; h  .September
                        89 1'j6.  1939 and there­  United Kingdom   .   15,100   7,872
                               after Its. 11-1-0.
                                                Japan               .   7.92,827  4.S3.7*Jl
         Dry fish .               Ditto.
         Cut toe: in bundle*  R«j. 2-8-0 |X-r bundle         Total  . 11,38,042   7,13.103
                               upto the   15th
                               September   1939
                               and   thereafter
                               Rs. 3-2-0.                  CoiicnL
      •3. To Colombo from Cwadur—               Japan                  38,146   27.76*    |
         Dry tL-b .           Rs. 22-0-0 per ton of   India            ..     10,390
                               40 c.ft. upto the                       ..      1.473
                               13th  September  Other Cuuntiies
                               1939 and there­
                               after Ks. 27-8-0.                        38,146
                                                             Total            39.539
      6. To Zanzibar from
         Mats in bundles •    Ra. 4-8-0 per bandle           Matches.
                               upto the   13th   Japan                  17,253  23.4^3
                               September   1939
                               and   thereafter  It can be seen from the above tables that the
                               Its. 5-10-0.  value of imports c/ textiles from India decreased
                                             by Us. 90,159 and those from Japan decreased by   I
                                             Ks. 2,97,126 as compared with the previous year.
                     part n.                   The value of sugar imports increased by Rs. 89,856.
                                               The import of dollars fell from Rs. 3,25,600 in
                    (A) Trad*.               1938-39 to Rs. 29,2-X) in tLe year under rtwew.
                     Imports.                               Expoet*.
                                              The total exports amount to Rs. 34,55,798 mm
        (loud* worth Rf- 46,49,755 were imported during   against Rs. 33,31,939 in 193,8-39. Principal articles
      the year as against Rs. 48.75,973 in 1938-39 being   of export were dates, fish and Hituh*,
      a decrease of Ks. 2,20,208 m the value of imports.
                                              The export of dry dates increased by Rs. 2,49,332
        The principal articles of import were cereals,
           sugar and textile*.               whereas the export of wet dates fell from Rs. 2,65,867
                                             in 1938-39 to Rs- 1,99,803 in 1939-40. In spite of
        India continues to enjoy a monopoly for the supply   the fall in the export of wet dates the total export of
      of cereals.                            dates showed an increase of Rs. 1,83,318.
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