Page 415 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 415

Report on the Trade of Muscat for the year 1939-40.

                        PART L                   The area of the Sultanate has been estimated Ht
                                               about e’2,000 square miles and the population at
                                               5,0u0,000, chiefly Arabs, but there is a strong
           General description of the Sultanate of   infusion of negro blood, especially along the coast.
                                               The towns of Muscat and Alatrah are composed oi
          Muscat is the capital of tlic independent SulUnatc   oce-third Indian, one-third Baluch and onc-third
        of Muscat and Oman situated at the easterly* corner   negro. There are few Arabs resident in these two
        of Arabia. Its seaboard Is nearly 1,000 miles long   towns.
        and extends from near Tibba on the west siie of   The present Sultan is His Highness Sir Saiyi-i
        the Musindam Peninsula round to Ras Dtrbat   Said bin Taimur, K.C.I.E. (bom August 13th, 1910),
        Ali. Ras Darbat Ali marks the boundary between   who succeeded his father Saiyid Sir Taimur bin
        the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman and the terri­  Faisal, K.C.LE., C.S.I., in 1932, as the 13th of his
        tory of tLe Sultan cf Kishen and Socotra, a Sultanate   dynasty to be Sultan of Muscat and Oman.
        within the Aden Protectorate. A small strip of
        the coavt on the cast side of the Musaodam Penin­
        sula from JDibbah to Kkor Kalba La administered       Currency.
        by minor chiefs of Trucial Oman, independent of   The currency of the country is the silver Maria
        the SuJtan. The Sultanate extends inland to the  Theresa Thaler or Rial and a copper coin, known
        borders c-f the Kuba al Khali or Great Desert. Phy­  as the Baiza, minted in 1S95 to the order of His
        sically Muscat and Oman consists of three elivi­  Highness the Sultan. In Muscat and Matrah
        sions—a coastal plain, a range of hills, and a pliteau.   Indian currency notes and rupees are generally
        The coastal plain varies in width from ten milc-s in   accepted, but the Rial is the only currency recog­
        the neighbourhood of Suwaiq to practically nothing   nised in the Interior.
        iu the vicinity of Matrah and Muscat town3 where   The Maria Theresa Rial fluctuates in value consi­
        the bills descend abruptly into the sea. The noun-   derably, being affected by the world price of silver
        tain range runs generally from north-west to ioath-
        cast. It reaches its greatest height in the Jebel   and the local supply and demand.
        Akhdar region, where heights of over 9,000 feet
        occur. The hills are for the most part barren but   Weights and Measures.
        in the high area round Jebel Akhdar they are   The weights used in the Customs Department in
        green and there is considerable cultivation.   Muscat, Matrah and the coast towns are:—
        The plateau has an average height of a thou­
        sand feet. With the exception of cases there is   1 kiyaa  . The weight of 6 dollar* oe
        little or no cultivation. Korth-west of Muscat the          5-9375 ota.
        coastal rlain is known as the Batinah. It is fertile   24 kiyaa  •  Muscat Maond.
        and pro.-perous. The date gardens extend for over   10 Muscat Maunds  •  1 Farasalah.
        150 milts. The Batinah datc3 are famous for their   200 Mascot Maun da   . 1 Bahar.  !
        flavour. They ripen in the flrst half of July well   Rice is sold by the bag; other cereals by the
       ‘ before the Basra dates. The coast line between   following measures?.
        Muscat md the province of Dhofar is barren and
        forbiddirg. The fertile province of Dhofar lies on   20 Pal-   . 1 Farrah.
        the south-eastern coast of Arabia. Its principal   20 Farraho .  •  1 KfcendL
        town is SaJalah on the coast while Murbat is the
        port. The last remaining possession on the north   The rupee which weighs one tola and the dollar
        coast of the Gulf of Oman is the port of Gwa-dur   of which the weight is called “ Auqia ** are used for
        and a small tract of country surrounding the town.   weighing drugs and. perfumes.- One “ Auqia-" is   '
        The town of Muscat is the capital and the seat of   equal to eight *' Misqals f.
        Government. At one time a town of some commer­
        cial importance it has of recent years lost most of   Measures (Linear).
        its trade which has been transferred to the adjacent   i Shi be   .   .. 1, hand or.41 caches.
        town of 31atrah. Matrah is the starting point for   4 Shabrp   •   .. IChire.orceMfc
        the trade routes into the interior.      4 Chins     •  '   1 Be* or fat bote.
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