Page 427 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 427
TABLE No. 1-C—con/<L
Principal Article* and Countries from which imported during the years 1937-33, 1938—39 and 1939-40
Quastitt. Valce.
1937-38. 1938-39. 1939-10. 1937-38. 1938-39. 1939-40.
Ra. Ra- Rj.
Ttjrlilt Fabrict.
C otton pitccgood#— 416 2,52,-714 2,27,570 1.04.916
India Pkgi. 889 803 10 1,375 10,611 5,706
I’nitfl Kingdom 2 27 20,996 48,409 21, W4
IV-r,a& Gulf . H 76 179 1,893 3,98,410 7,66,241 4.72.G03
•lipun . 1,420 3,135 8 10 2,206 4,439 7.42C
HolLnd 3 1.139
Other Countries- b 3 927
Woollen juoods— 149 143 13,321 10,530 19,148
India . lib 3,023 1,826 1.183
-l-i pan . 17 10 3 8 660 1,782 2,188
Italy • I 9 1.339 1,637
Germany 3 3 432 1,906
Other Countries ft 3 3 3 180
Sill? gc/xl?>— 76 19,242 16.206 29,106
China 67 50
J.i pin . 92 18,916 3,264 6,472*
Ir.di* 51 19 59 13.095 502
Persian Gulf . 26 G 2,494
United Kingdom 3 10.930
Italy 10 15 28 4.021 5,922 8.470
Otter Countries* 22
SPk. Raw— 3,946 9,023
India 20 30
< uher Countries 59 23,918
Artificial Silk goexk— 3.738 11.204 4,417
•lap:n . 20 00 20 2,361
United Kingdom 99 6
II<»si<ry— 25 356 5,600
.li]an . 1 : 1
Twist ar.d yarn— 205 33.799 67378 17,895
India 320 328 1.898
Japan . 99 3 15 11 12.240 48,135 57,691
China 99 33 245 280 12.035
Ot be-r Countries 99 34
llaU-rdashcry— 11,418
India 99 115
Old clothing— 2.606 4,144
India 99 23 48 2 200
Unit'd Kingdom
Sail cloth—
Persian Gulf . 99 3 270
Carpet*— 1.471
Persian Gulf . 7 28 146 278 2,211 4,676
Iran 2
Gunny Bag»— 543 247 14,533 22,756 90,494
India 99 218 94 15 2*506 4,487 775
Pe-rctaa Gulf . 99
Hemp— 17 47 747 2,483
India • 99
Twina— 1,863
Jrwlim. . . 135 6 19 14.992 333
Tobacco and Smotimg RtqnudttM.
Cigarrttf— 34 3 8 2.976 126
India . - * Casta 22.759 31,718
Ceiled Kingdom . 99 78 200 223
I'mun Gulf . 2
Other Countrie* 99 2