Page 225 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 225


                                         OX THE

                               TRADE OF KUWAIT

                    for the year 1915-16 (1st April to 31st March)*

           Introduction.—The dislocation of business                  Ex POUT*.
         and inhibitions and restrictions against certain   Ivroais.
         goods, referred to in the rej-Ort for 101 *-15, still   Country.
         exist and continue to hamper trade and commerce   1913- 19l V-  1915- 1913-   191 W  1915-
         generally. But the statistics show a slight    n.  13.  16. i I V.  15.  1C.
         increase in the trade of the port as compared with
         that for 3011-15. Thi* i* due mainly to the   India  5S-3  63 6  67-9 ; C5'G  7C-7  72 6.
         accident that Zuhair, Knauiisiyah and other places
         in the Basrah district have boon drawing some of United Kingdom,   4 G  3 3  2-5
         their supplies from Kuwait instead of from    02-9  C7'i  707 G3G  7G7  ?:s
         Ba^rih as in pre-war times. There was also some
         speculation among the local merchants, who Tnrkiib Arabia .   2r2  SG  73  51  13-3  22-5
         imported certain articles in larger quantities than   America  2'7  1*0  7-2
         were required for local consumption in the expect­
         ation of exporting them to Iraq, an enterprise Fe«U   125  12-5  11-5  97  35  33
         frustrated by the blockade. The last two pearl   France  i-0  3 2
         seasons have given very di-couraging result: uot
         even half the number ot Kuwait pearling boats Germany .   22  0-5
         participated iu the industry in 1015, for want
         firstly, of money and secondly, of men. This   Arab Coast  97  03  11-7  G9
         latter shortage has been brought about by tribal Aa-tria-IInagarjr   41  1*4
         fighting iu the interior and by our operations in
         Mesopctmiia which Lave given remunerative work   Other countries .  1*7  3'1  2 3  4-9  31  1-6
         to numbers of poor class Arabs who were ordi­  ico-o  10>0  lto-0 100 0  lU'J-0  100-0
         narily engaged in pearling. The 1915 catch of             1
         pearls was, on the whole, a good one. Profitable
                                               It will be seen from the above table that the
         prices were realized and advantage was taken of   hulk of the trade is carried ou with India and the
          the rise iu the market to dispose of unsold stocks
         of 1913 and 14- seasons.            United Kingdom, the other countries in order of
                                             importance being Persia, Turkey, and America.
           Total Trade.—The total trade of the  year Germany and Austria-Ilungarv have needless to
         amounted to i.l"4,eu9 as against 1334,123 for sav disappeared from the returns forthe current
          1911-1 o, showing a net iucrease of £70,51G or  year.
          21 09 per ceut.
                                              Reasons for abnormal increases and decreases
           Imports—Exports.—These   amounted to *“ some °* l5ie items of imparts and exports are
          .£'292,212 and £112,757 reflectively, the former giv<>n below,
          showing au increase of £529 and’ the latter of   Imports by Steamers.
          170,Ul7 as compared with that for 1914-15.
                                               Coffee.—Shows an increase of £10,$26 which
            me table given below gives the percentage is said to he due to cheaper rates obtainable in India.
          share iu the imp rts aud ex|K»rts for the last 3 The market if congested with thin article about
          years of the countries concerned.   ?tlis of the total imports bciug still in hand!

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