Page 226 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 226
Coir & coir rope.—Shows a decrease of £1,263 The number of steamers and sailing vcsseljl
which is due to bad pearl seasons. which entered and cleared this port in the year *
Piece-goods.—fho large increase of £33,617 under review is given in tho attached shipping
under this head is said to be due parity to higher returns. 11 6
price* in India and eLcwerc and pa illy to increased Industries mid Public Hcnlth.-Somc 7 lariro
exports to Ncjd and Basrah district. Large 80a-going boats were built during the year au.f*
st^sabo are stated to be ,n hand number of “ IJallarns ” and " Mahaillas ” for
Rice.—Shows a decrease of £3j 336. This export to B.israh. The value of these, which is
i. due to heavy rates of freight and increased estimated to be about £6,600, has not been in-
lmports from Basrah. < eluded in the trade returns.
bugnr, soft.—Shows an increase of £12,S57 . .. . . . . ,,
which is due to high rates in India and increased ,,C J>u 1 lc, ,ea ^ *1C port has been very
citv'rta to Nojd and Zubair. F°°d. Ilron-',oal ‘l>V<sVn d no disease occurred
Tca A"nost a., tlie tea imported into Kuwait mMfl
is smuggled into Persia a small quantity being were as follows:—
exported to Nejd. The increase of £0,313 is
probably therefore due to wholesale smuggling For Znlfi, Horci'lnh, ard Anlz.nh .$11 —18#. Ttd.
„ Shaqra, Majma's and Hivlb . $ 7J- 9a. 10<f.
into Persia. |vt raauud of 27 Vojhiaa —121 ^ lb*.
Wheat.'—The increase of £1,726 under wheat No caravans left for Hail duriug the year
is attributed to the shortage in rice.
under report.
Imports by Buggnlows. Freights.—Owing to the shortage of tonnage
Chanda Is.—Show a decrease of £1,333 which ^eights varied a ?ood deal during the jear In
is dee to general impoverishment consequent on the earlv part of the vear they were about £l-i-0
bad pearl seasons affecting the building trade.".to Kr'"c,a Bombay by the
Kerosene oil.-No American oil arrived bv I1nd'?.. •)“v1'S?t,on Company, but the,
“ during .he year and the increase of Ib'e Amh
£1,107 u due to this cause. Steamers, Limited, and the Persian Gulf Steam
Exports by Steamers. Navigation Company wera slightly lower than
Pearls.—Increase of £22,950 is due to a better J^ose ^,e British India. None of these lines
season and high prices. looked any cargo from Kuwait direct to any
Specie.—Increase of £33,702 is due to increas- LcroFa“ P°rt 111 i91o-16.
ed rr.pcrts during the year in payment of cost Exchange.—The rates of exchange were as
of which specie remittances were made. follows during the year:—
Exports by Buggalows. Marla Theresa dollars April, May and
Jane . £7 16 0 pn cent.
Chandals.—Increase of £4,003 is due to great - Jaly ...814 do.
demand and better rates in Basrah, to which place „ „ Augn«t . . „B 8 0 do.
- ,.6 IS 4
they were exported. * „ September . ..8 10 8 do.
,. October .
Sugar.—Shows an increase of £993 which is mm w November, De
said to be due to re-exports to Basrah. cember and . „8 10 0
Shipping and Navigation.—The British India mm January . r9 1 4 do.
Steam Navigation Company Limited, continued „ „ m February . „9 6 8 do-
„ March
to send their steamers weekly from Bombay and Torkiab Lirai, April, May, June and
fortnightly from Basrah until about October 1915 * Aopurt, September, Oo- . 18 5 per Lia.
when they suspended the sailings of their subsi tober acd November .*016 6J do.
diary steamers to the Persian Gulf. Since then „ Detember and January „0 18 6j do.
their steamers and those of the Arab Steamers, * February . *0 18 7$ do.
March........................................0 IB 0
Limited, and the Peisian Gulf Steam Navigation
Company have called at Kuwait only occasionally The rate of sovereigns rose as high as 21i and 2d.
and as inducement offered.
From August 1915 a Masthead Steaming R. E. A. HAMILTON, Major,
Light is placed on the Ras-al-Arz beacon as an Political Agent, Kuwait.
aid to navigation. This, in conjunction with the Kuwait ;
Agency flagstaff dioptrio light, enables steamers
ujw to make and leave this port at night. The 17th July 1916.